Altoona Mirror from Altoona, Pennsylvania (2024)

SEPTEMBER 21 Altoona mirror OUR DAILY WEATHER REPORT. 23,6 p.m.--cloudy, temp. above! p. temp. above the telop.

5Se above Sept. 12 temp. above MARRIAGE RECORD. MARS. ELIZABETII VOLK, Voli, and a native of Cambria county, died nt her home in Pitseberg Wednesday night of pnenIn.

Voik was born and rulsed In. Carrolltown, Cambria county. The family has resided in Pittsburg about tiro years. Volk is survived by her keeboul and three sons, Lawrence, Henry mani Prank: five daughters, Margaret, Catharine, Eugenia, Sister Vincentia, of. this Sisters of Charity, and Minnie; a brother and two sister: who live in Elmira, N.

Y. 'The funeral "tool: place at a. m. today, from SIR. Peter and Paul Roman Catholle church, Pittsburg.

THE DEATH RECORD. LAWRENCE CALLAN, An aged resident of the Sixth ward, died suddenly of heart disense at his hone, 2123 Ninth avenue, al 10 o'clock Jas! night. Deceased WaS born in County Lowth, Ireland, and was 77 years of age. lIe came to this city nineteen years ago and entered the employ' of the Pennsylvanla railroad company. He was member 6t Sacred Heart 'church and of the Pennsylvania, railroad relief association.

is survived by his wife and the following sons and daughters: Patrick, James. Lawrence, Dennis Callan Mra. Bridget Conley, of Altoona, and Mrs. Kate Leonard, John, Maggle and 'Annie. Callan, of New York.

The funeral will take place Monday morning at .9 o'clock From the Sacred Heart church; interment will be made in Calvary cemetery. NEW ADVERTIsem*nTS. 1. W. -Rondy-made garments.

Page 8. Gable curtain bargains for Page 6. Johnson--Ladies' $3.00 6hocs. Page 6. Jos.

Horne catalogue of Fall nnd winter goods will be walled free. Page 3. BiRW, in this evening's Mirror, advertises.a partial list of bargains to be, obtained in the new liven which opens next Tuesday morning! COLUMBUS' REMAINS. Blanco Appointed Commir fion to Unre K2can Shipped to, Spain. HAVANA, Sept.

Gonoral Blanco, in view of tho decision to trausfer the remains of Jambus to Spain, has issued an order saying in part thrit the mounment containing the remains shall bo' removed from its mounting, leaving as it now is tho base upon; which it rests, and it shall bo. properly paoked for shipment. A commission, presided over by the cartuin is appointed to have Gurgo of thin minttor. The financo de-4 partment will appropriate $3,000 to deTray the espouses of packing and ping tho monument. ONE CHARGE AGAINST QUAY.

Postal Itopresentative to Investigate the Allegulion That Ho Sold WASHISGTON, Sept. postal officials have directed oue of their repro. sentatives to conduct an inquiry into the charges made recently in a political speech that Sonator Quay had sold postoffices in Lehigh county, Pa. Assistant Postmaster Gonornl Shallonborger says tho oflicial records show 110 evidenco of irregularity in the appointment of postmasters in the roferred The inquiry is made at the request of Sountor Quay. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY.

AVANTOD A girl. from 14 to 16 years age to ngsist in light housework. Inquire immediately. Employment Bureau, room 8, Woodco*ck Bldg. Have You Selected Your New Fall Dress Goods Yet? Wien you think of selecting them, come and see the now suitings we have Cor fall, and winter wear: All- 21 Inches Colored sarges, 42 inches Fancy mixed suiting, 38 In.

Plain clouis, 60 inches Broudclothe, inches wide, blues and .........800 Poplins, 40 Inches Tc Fine serges and 50, 76, 90c New black dress goods, 25, 35, G0, 75, 95, $1.00 Pretty dress 'gonds, 28 in. wide, John A. Sprankle Co. Eleventh iAn. and Ninth 3t.

SPORTS AND SPORTING ITEMS Local and General Items of Noirs for Lovers of Seasonable Sport. The Patton' football team defeated the Coalport a eleven at Patton yesterday by score of 23 to 0. The governors of Indiana, Kentucky and Ohio declare that under 110 clyc*mstances will the Corbett-McCay tight allowed to take place in those stales. A target and live bird shoot, 10 be elven al Wopsy on Friday and Saturday, Celober 7 and the Altoona Rod and Gun club, promises 10 he a successful tournament, as some of the best men in the state have entered. There will be ten' events each day, The connittee in charge is W.

8. Houck, W. S. Bookwalter and G. G.

Zelle, of Altoona. The Jocul Aremen are 90 elated over their recent baseball victories that several of them decided to form a football team. After a general canvans bad been made among the firemen for eligibles, however, so many of them were found 10 be bald-headed that the pushers of the enterprise gave the attempt. The firemen, like all other men, desire the feminine approval, and the girls don't go In raptures over locked the pigskin bald-headed brave. the The longone upon wham she dotes.

Nearly all the big college football. teams open the season today with practice games. Yale is playing Trinly at Hartford, U. of P. and Franklin and Marshall at Philadelphia; Carlisle Indians and Bloomsburg, at Carlisle; Washington and Jefferson and Marletta; State College and Gettysburg, at State College: Cornell and Colgate, nt Ithaca.

Harvard and Princeton will play no regular today. Their first game will he pintyed Saturday, Harvard meeting Williams and Princeton meeting Lehigh. The first foot ball game of the season was played this morning on the -seventh street second grounds tween and high school The toys of Drat team outweighed their opponents and were victorious, winning by the score of 12 to 0. There 19 lots of room for inprovement on the of the high school team. They dave the signals down right well, but they are lacking in team work.

will have to do some tall prapticing during the mext few weeks they expect to have 3. winning eleven. Local lovers of the game are looking to the members of this term to distinguish themselves and nuke a good record during the conning soason. YESTERDAY'S LEAGUE GAMES. At Dallimore-Baltimore, 0 runs, 9 hits and 1 error; Chicago, 3 run, 7 hits and 2 crrors.

Donolue. Batteries, Aloud and Robinson; Callahan and Umpires, 0'Day and Attendunco, At 5 runs, 12 hita azed 0 errors: Cleveland, 1 ruin. 8 hits and 4 Batteries, and McFarland: Young and Origer. Umpires, Swartwood Smith. Attendance, 1,035.

At Brooklyn-Brooklyn, 4 runs, 9 hita and 1 error; Louis, 3 runs, 7 hits and 0 errors. Bostories, Kennedy and Ryau; Taylor, Clements und Sagden. Umpire, Warner. anse. 600.

At New York York, 3 runs, 5 hile and 2 Lonlsrille, 0 rum3, 8 hilts and 1 error. Carriek aud Warner; and Kittredge. Umpires, Connolly and Hunt. Attendnace, 000. At Doston-Boston, 2 runs.

hits and 0 errors: Pill shorn: 1 run, 1 hits and 1 error. Batteries, Willis and Bergen; 'Taunchill and Bowermun. Umpires, Gaffnoy. Attendance, 1,0.0. and 2 Cincinnati, zoo, 4 hits' and 2 At Washington -Washington, '3 runs, 8 hits errors.

Batteries, Baker and Farrell; Breitcustein quid Wood. Umpires, Emislic and Andrews Attendance, 1,800. Second gamo-Washington, 0 runs, 14 hits attd 3 errora; Cincinnati, 10 ruu3, 14 bits and 2 errors. Batterles, Willams and Casey: Hawley, Dammann and' Woudl. Umpires, Emilie and Andrews.

Longne Standing. Pc. Pe 60 44 A Puiln 87 .519 Baltimore, 85 47 .644 07 .408 Cincinnati. 83 51 Louisvitte. 14 51 63 74.

68 dol 10. TC 492 Now York. 90 03 .524 51 Louis 85 .205 AND Games Scheduled. For Today, Washington at Boltimore, Brookiyn at son, Cincinnati at Cleveland. Philadelphia Now York and Louisville at 8:.

Louis. MISS DAVIS FUNERAL, Simple Ceremony In tho -Procession to the Cemetery Nenrly 9 MIle In Length RICHMOND, Sept. the funeral sorvices in St. Paul's church yesterday, over romains of Miss Winnie Davis, Dr. Unrmichael announced the first hymn, "How Firm a Foundation," which was favorite of General Robert E.

Ico's. After the hyann bad been sung Rov. Dr. Hoge read a psalm for the day and "Nearer My God to Thee" was song. Dr.

Carmichael read tho lesson, "Art Thou Weary" wAR then Rung and its close the veterana moved oat with the casket. Mrs. Davis was prostrated, and it was several minutes before tho griefstricken mother could rise. The procession was headed by tho marshal and his staff, General Alonzo Philipps and staff. Then care alx companies of state troops aud the.

mond Elowitzors. Then came the volerans' organizations headed by the First regiment baud. Amid the tolling of bells of many churches the proces-15-inch sion procecded to Hollywood cemetery, marching between dense lines of manity the ontiro distance. ceesion was nearly milo in length, tho carriages were driven two ubreust. At the grave, nfter the casket had been placed on the supporters, the face seation was removed for a moment and Mya.

Davis nad hor daughtor, Mrs. Hayes, kissed tho deceased. Daria sat is an armchair near the grave and Mrs. Hayes kuolt by her side. Tho Centenary Methodist charch choir sang "Sicep Thy Inst Sleep." The committal proyors were read by Dr.

Ourmichael. The Aguinaldo P'olsouing Case. MANILA, Sopt. 24. -A carofal iuvcali.

gati ou of tho attempt to poison Aguinaldo shows a prisoner pot a packet of oxalato of poinsh powder into the soup, but the cook dotected it Immediatoly ALTOONA, SEPTEMBER-24, 1898. There's Helpful Economy in Buying Ready- Garments INSTEAD OF TRYING TO MAKE THEM AT HOME. L. W. COOK.

Take for example Ladies' Top' Pet ticonta. How many have the time, skill and patience that will enable them to sit down and make a fancy silk or satin Skirt in the style now in vogue, with their double flounces, lined, bound and many stiff cords that must be neatly stitched In? And the hung, too? Some think any pattern for a Petticoat do, but that is mistake. They should be rightly out, for on them depends the hang and set of the gown. All these things have been considered und carefully looked after in the great manufactorles that are able to make them better and far cheaper than they can be made at home. We have just opened another large line of Elegant in both ellk and satine, in black and colors, and we are sure tho ladles will say they have never seen such handsome skirts for the Among them In Fine Silk Skirts Are the following that are especially elegant.

Taffeta Silk Skirls in shades of Heliotrope, cerise black and changeable, are made with deep Spanish flounce, heavily corded, crinoline lined and velvet bound, in excellent quality of silk and only $6.89 each. Another style has fine black satine tops with deep flounces of corded silk in black, showing bright colored, Caney stripes, lined and bound, el $3,50 each. One lot has fine black satine tops with flounces of plain silk in light blue, army blue, plum, green, scarlet and heliotrope, also parked $3.50. Satine Skirts A new line of Satine Skirts have black tops, with flounces in imitation silk, black and white' strines, lined and velvet bound, at $3.60 ench. Black Perco-Silk Skirts of heavy quality, flounce handsomely striped, lined, velvet 1 bound and heavily corded, are mucked at 72.76 cach.

New Black Hatine Skirts have deep flounce, corded and crinoline lined, the skirl lined throughout with flannelette, are great values at $1,00 each. These are all new and splendid values. There are a few left of the handsome silk, finished satine skirts that came in a short time ago, that are being closed out at 2 good reduction. We ask the ladies to be sure and look at these new arrivals. Ladies' Underwear Ladies' Fleece Ribbed Vests and Drawers, at 23c each.

Fleece Ribbed Vests In Fine Egyptian cotton at 50c cach, Natural Wool White Ribbed Vests and Drawers, 75c and $1.00 each. Fine Camel's Hair Vests and Drawora, $1.50 each. A complete line of Children's Underwear now ready. The Hosiery Department. Notice these fine values: Boys 'and Girls' Black Heavy Cotton Ribbed Itose, 15c, 17c and 25c per pair.

The 250 number Is a Heavy Ribbed Wool Hose and the best value we have ever offered for a quarter of a dollar. Ladies' Fleeced Hose at 25c, 29c and 50c per pair. DO NOT FORGET Our offer for the GENTLEWOMAN free for three months to every purchaser of Henderson Corset. Visit the Department and look at is like. THE BIG STORE IS HILEMAN-GOOD FAMILY REUNJON.

The Good-Hileman familles will hold a reunion at Jakemont September 28. Among the distinguished members of the 'families who will spenk are Colonel James M. Bell, of the First regular cavalry, who was wounded In the ambush of the Rough Riders at La Guasimas: Dr. Crawford -Irwin, of Hollidayshurg; Good, of of Osceola; and Rev. H.

M. Heliman, thiy eity. Representatives of the familles, a1'C coming from as far west as Kansas. PHILADELPHIA AT YOUR DOOR. The Keystone Purchasing' Agency will attend to any and purchise ur exchange anything from suspension bridge to a row of special- pins.

Fruits and vegetables a great ty. Expert buyers. Satisfaction guaranteed. Send your business to ate and get the best promptly and save anoney. A first-class local agent wanted.


The Mirror job office printed attractive and useful blottery for the 1150 of school children. Call and get them in the counting room, 1011 Eleventh uvenue. You Invite disappointment when you experiment. DeWitt's Little Early Risera are pleasant, ensy, thorvugh little pills. They cure constipation and sick headache, just as sure as you tuke them.

Butler, 8th ave. and 12th W. H. Irwin, 11th ave. and 16th 'Cooper' Coal Hods and Stovepipe are now in demand.

We sell them cheap. 15-inch Black Coal ....160 16-Inch Ilack Con! Hods. 17-inch Black Coal 18-inch Black Coal Galvanized Coal 10-inch Galvanized Coal 25cl hu-17-inch Galvanized Coal 18-Inch: Galvanized Coni These' Hods are well made and are Cull sizes. A 16-Inch is a 15-Inch and not a 12-inch stamped 15. Stovepipe, 4-Inch, 10c per Joint.

100 per Jolt. Stovepipe, 13a per joint, Stovepipe, 13c per joint. Stovepipe, 6-inch, 13c per Joint. ELBOWS. 8c 8c 100 10c 4 in.

in. 5 in. In. In. Measure your pipe, you cannot guess the correct size.

Lifters, Pokers, Shovels-cheap al COOPER' 1316 ELEVENTH AVENUE. 4 The Stove and Range Question Hadnt5 thought nbout: It Well, don't think tho time about, arrived when. you should give such matters eome consideration? A new Stove or Runge may be. absolute necessity soon. Take on hour's time today And ramble through department.

There you'll stock of Stoves and Ranges -4 whole family of "Cinlike of which, for goodness, I up-lo-dntenesa 15 diMeult. to equal. duch*eSS CINDERELLA BALANCED OVEN DOOR 1 "Queen Cinderella" Ranges, embodiment of every.thing that, Is A Range; the 'old stand-by' in many Altoona homes. "duch*ess Cinderella" Ranges This 1s the newest addition to the "Cinderella" family, having late and most factory improvements. "Cinderella" Air Tight.

Heating Stove, having all the good points and none of the errors. Hard or soft coal can be used, "Empress Self-feeding, base-burner, Double Heater, elegant and original design. A hard coal "Imperial powerful, Double Henter, much like the "Impress, except in ornamalation. A Good Stove is an Economy. A Poor One the Worst Kind of Extravagance.

W. S. AARON, Leading Furniture Dealer, 1428 Eloventh Avenue. Trading Stamps with 'Cash Purchuses und First Payment on Time Sales. A Golden Opportunity.

Rare Bargain's for the rest month. We: Intend: to the We We defy competition. central must manufactorics. have room for new goods now pouring in on us daily from all will We have now grouped together several pair. of shoca which we GROUP dispose of at half their real cost.

Shelf roomn we must have. No, 1- consists of 100 pair of Ladies' Black Toe Sippers, former price 60 and 750, will now be disposed of at 25c; sizes to 6. former GROUP. price No. $1.00 2- and consists of 60c pali and of Ladies' sizes black and tan, 1,60, now to' 4.

former GROUP price No. $1.00 8- and consists of 100 pairs of Children's Black and Tan Oxforde, 1.25, now 50c; sizes 6 to 2. former GROUP price No. 4-consists of 00 pair of Laldes' Tan Shoes, button and lace; $2.00, now elzes to 500; GROUP sizes No: 5 5- to consists of 60 pair of Child's Tan to Shoes, former price 15c, Me so bites and former price $1.60, now 76e; sizes 13 to 2. GROUP No.

consists of 48 pair of Misses' Tan School Shoes, button 75c. GROUP No. 7-consists of 24 pair of Youth's Tan Shoes, former price $1.25, now GROUP No. 8-consists of 24 palr, of Men's Tan' Shoes, former price $2.00 to 2.50, now to 10, ALL NEW GOODS SOLD BELOW OUR COMPETITORS. D.

E. SPRANKLE, THE PEOPLES MONEY-SAVING STORE, No. 1104 SIXTEENTH STREET No. 1514 ELEVENTH AVENUE. School Shoes for School Children Should be Strong, Stylish, Shapely, Well Made, Well Fitting and Durable, we have them at popular prices.

BECHHOEFER'S SHOE STORE, MASONIC TEMPLE. ELEVENTH STREET. I AN G. A. GLUNT Has just returned from the city he selected a splendid stock of Shoes, Blankets and Haps which will soon be on display in his store at Chestnut avenue nnd Ninth street.

Come and see them. Winter. will soon be here and you'll need a change of shoes and more bed clotees. G. A.

GLUNT, CHESTNUT NINTH STREET. AVENUE AND Corsets and see what the Magazine OF NEW GOODS. The Mirror fob rooms do good works. Mirror want ads, bring returns. 1226 1226 Eleventh Avenue.


Every dollar's. worth of this enormous stock, always cousidered the largest in the city, must be sold immediately, including all fixtures connected with the store. A rare opportunity to secure right. at the start of the season your needs for 'the Fall and Winter at a nominal sum and an cuormous saving. Sale Commences This Friday, Sept.

23, and. will continue until stock is closed out. Come early and get best and choice selections, Extra salespeople will be on hand to accommodate the rush this glad news will eventually bring here. YOU BUY HERE YOU SAVE ALL PROFITS Which other merchants, must add for percentage and' expenses, 1 DON'T MISS THIS. SALE, and SAVE THIRTY.

THREE PER CENT. ou all goods purchased which other stores must add, COME AND LEARN OF BARGAINS HERE FOR YOU 1226. 1226 ELEVENTH AVE. ELEVENTH AVE. MARCH'S.

Altoona Mirror from Altoona, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

Phone: +3571527672278

Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.