The Evening Post from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

Plain Dealer. REGISTER. A.M. A. M.

P.M. r. Lake Shore C. 12:00 4:15 4:00 10:00 do du Toledo ..6:30 8:20 2:80 8:00 Erie do 4:01 Atlantic and dt. 6:50 4:15 9.45 A.

and G. W. Mah'g 6:50 4,15 Alliance 3:35 Fitisburgh and 8:80 12:10 2:80 8:00 A ARRIVALS. TO A. M.

A.M. P.M. P. Lake Shore, C. Ana 7:50 3:05 7:30 do 9:30 do 6:43 11:40 8:80 9 45 do Sandusky 9:20 Atlantic and 4t.

2,30 8:00 A. and G. W. Mab'g Br .10:83 8:00 Hittsburgb and 2:00 8.00 Alliance Columbus .6:55 12:00 3:50 9:50 Passengers and baggaze conveyed to either of the above named trains or boats from any part of the city at the prices dIed by the City Ordinance. Leave orders at the Cleretand General Omnibus Company, No.

160 Superior etreet, amd Post Office, West Side. ROCKY RIVER RAILROAD TIME TABLE. Leave Clevel and M. N. P.

X. P. M. at Bridge 86- 9.03 11 to 1.80 3.3J 5.30 Leave Rocky River 7.30 10.00 12.30 2.80 5.00 FUNDAY IIME TABLE. Leave Bridge 4.

I P. r. 2.30 F. 6.00 I A. Leave Rocky RiverP.

M. P. P. P. 9.00 12 151 1.45 3,15 5.10 7.00 -A French chemist lately took a pair stockings imported from Eagland, dyed a brilliant red, extracted the coloring matter, inserted it skin of a dog, and had the satisfaction of seeing the animal die in twelve hours.

He then took the coloring matter out of the dog's body, and with it dyed a skein of silk. He warns every one against the use of "coraline," the dye used, and proposes the probibition of the importaof red stockings from Eagland. THE OX, "GEN. GRANT "-This noted animal, raised in Livings on New York, attar having passed through a number of bauds, receiving yptian homage from masses of people in Various sections, stems to have found a rest ug place at last on toe farm of Gen. Grant in Missouri.

The animal is reputed to have obtained a gro88 weight of yo tors, Lut it; the illustraticns of him, in agricultural journals, are correct, symetery of form is not one of his marked characteristics This ox was purchased by an association of women for exhibition at a Sanitary Fir in New York, to the treasury nearly $3,000 tor admiesion fees. He was then parcuased for $1,000 and taken to the farm Pierce, Bianstead, Canada List, and subsequently presented to Presidedt Lincoln. By him he was trangterred to the manager of a Sanitary Fair in Boston, and drew to the treasury nearly $2, 000 for adinission lets. He was then raffled tor, by the directors of the Sanitary Fair and drawn by Thomus Shatcher, residing in the vicinity of who turned him over to the shambles. fiere his former owner, Mr Pierce, interposed, purchased the ox a second tim, and taking him in his old home at Stanst2ed, where he was presented to Ger.

Grant, who will forward him to his plantation in Missouri thus giving respite to the "big ox" by putting a period to his wanderings. Associated, by name and interest, with the prominent 0.: of the hour, it is likely the beast share, liberally, by reflection, in the Donors bestowed upon his present owner. A MEDICAL. CONFIDENTIAL GREAT COMBINAtion of professional talent experience of Europe and America are the men to cOngult. This is the enly office in the city wHere a permanent cure of Private Disease can be obtained without the of mercury GI change of diet or business.

We guarantee. to care Gonorhoea, Glect, Syphilia, Impotency, Noctarnal Emissione, or Self-Abuse, Diareal Emissions, Female complaints, 10 short, every possible form and variety of Sexual Disease. Cares rapid, thorough and permanent, and fees moderate. GREAT MEDICAL CIRCULAR sent for two 3 ent-staripe. FRUNUH A rare preventativo to disoass.

Price, $1 acad, or three for or $7 per dozen aunt by mall. Dr. lavigorating Liniment. Price, 2 a bettla. GREAT WORK ON PRIVATE DISEASES, the GUIDE TO HEALTH, is benefcial to all, male ard female, the old and young chould read this book.

It will enlighten thoss who grope in darknesa. Trice, 50c, by mail. N. B. -TO THE LADIES.

-No lady should be without Mad. Lozier's Female Monthly Pills--a safe and effectual remedy for all irregularities and obstructone from whatever cause. Price $9 per box; extra fine $3. Communications by mail entirely tial. No letters will be answered unless they contain a remittsace stamp.

Cali or address, DAS. BONAPALTE, REYNOLDS No. 182 Sycamore Cincinnati, 0. hOTTE 6 A M. to 9 P.


E.J. REYNOLDS proprietor, W. C. LISPEN ARD, M.D., Consulting Phy eician and Surgeon, Ruchce ter, N. Y.

This le the only office in the city where a permanent cure of private discuses can be had without the use of mercury or change of diet. We guarantee to care Gleet Impotency, Nocturnal Emissiona, or Self Abuse, Diurnal Emissions, Female Complainte, in short, every possible, form and variety of Sexual Disease. Dr. Reynolds' Patent French Safo is warranted safe and eure preventative against discasu. Prico $1, or three for 82.

Dr. Reynolds' great work, "THE PRIVATE MEDCAL GUIDE beautifally illustrated, with nearly 00 pages. Price 80 cents. No letters will be answered unless they contain a remittance of dollar, consaltation fee. Consultation at the office free of charge.

Consulting office and Operaung Rooms, corner of Mill and Market streets, up staire. ET Persona calling will see no one but the doctor, The above concentration of medical talent ensures the sick 8 scientific and improved course of treatment and 8 rapid and permanent cure. All letters addressed to Dr. E. J.

REYNOLDS Rochester, New York, will meet with prompt at tention. All cures warranted. Oftice hours trom A. M. to 79.

M. Please state where you SO advertisem*nt. marily Robt. Colgate MANUFACTURERS OF ATLANTIC WHITE LEAD BRED LEAD AND LITHRAGE. Soid in Cloveland by a cen Wulson avenue and Giddings avenue, be widened and opened Ag follows: The northern boundary to begin en the east line of Willeon avenae where the north line of ac'id avenue, extending casterly, intereects the same; thence north 86 the middle of the lot now owned by E.

J. Farmer; deg. 45 min. cast 14 chairs and slinksto a point in thence south 85 deg. (2 min.

caet to a point in the weet line of Giddings avenue, eaid last described line being 40 feet nortkorly at right augles from the right angles from the centre ling of buclid avenue, as Dow located, the sou: hera boundary to begins also cu the eart line of Willeon avenue, at 8 of point the 99 97-100 feet south of the place of beginning aforesaid north line; thence porth 85 dog. 15 east to a point opposite the angle on said E. J. Farmer'e middle line and eighty feet distant south erly therefrom; thence conth 83 deg. 62 min.

cast parallel with the above described north line, and 80 feet southerly theretrom to the westerly line of said Giddings sacid avenue avenue as represented upon the map ci survey and maps made by I. N. Strong Armstrong ORDINANCE. ON and widen ORDINANCE a portion of TO Eaclid STRAIGHTEN SECTION 1. Be it ordained by the Village of tue Village of Kast Cleveland that Euclid avenue, Pillebury, March 18, 1868, and DON on flo with the Recorder.

SEO 2. That the sidewalks on cach eide between Win-on and Giddings avenues be twenty feet width on each ride, and that the ator. said addition to Kaclid ehall bo opened up on or before of the this expiration ordin of months from the passage Passed April 4, 1868. W. S.

STREATOR, Mayor. R. EaRLON, Recorder. Tho BART CLEVELAND, March 8th, cil of Kasi following resolution was passed by the CoanResolved, Cleveland Village, March 8, 1859 That the Village Attorney be and is here priate by measures Instructed to so carry into immediately tase the approheretofore passed for efect the ordinance Euclid avenue, widening and straightening son avenue and between Giddings avenne and propriatod for that cause parposo. the necessary land to be apE.


Recorder. mArIl-1t WE HAVE FITTED UP SEVERAL Job Lot Tablos, prices Where our regardless costomers of win find destrable goods at cost. M. HALLE feb5 149 Wateretreet. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN meinury to buy OALLS ON Franklin Collar, Linen outside and Paper inside, For sale at all Clothing and Good Stores.

M. HALLE PRIZE DRAWING. Great Distribution! YOUNGSTOWN, 22 PERSONAL PROPERTY REALEESTATEIASSOCIATION. the City of Youngstown, Ohio, proposes to ASSOCIATION, ESTABLISHED distribute among its Shareholders, by a Fublic Drawing, to commence at 10 o'clock A. On the 28th day of 1869, AT EXCELSIOR HALL, in said eity, 'a large amount for Poreonal Property aud Heal Rotate, the property of the Association.

SHARES, Fourteen thousand Shares are issued by the A elation at $5.00 and bares in proportion. dach share is numbered and entities the holder of certificate of eard share to such article of personal or real property as may be distributed to it at the drawing. Mali and quarter hares to have ba'r and quarter laterests in the property. DISTRIBUTION. Every article to be distributed will be numbered in a echedule prepired by tbe officers of the Association and a printed copy will be tarnished to every The drawlug will be emperintended by a committee of live dieinterested gentlemen.

Numbars corresponding to the numbers of all the certifCaLLA of shares, and numbers represe-ting all the articles of property to be will be placed in separate receptacies. One number wili be drawn from each receptacle and the holder of the certificate whose number is drawn ball be entitled to the article whoee number is drawn to it. REAL ESTATE. The real eetate of the Aesociation consiets of large Lumber ot eligible build nga lots, now vacant. aud other lots ou which erected dwelling houses with suitable appurtenancer, turniebung desirable residences.

This property is all withiu the city of Younz-town aud ray be more par icularty specided as follows: CITY LUTS-Fifty lota. from flity to one hundred feet front by one buadred nd feet deep, situaled in the eoctheast part ot the city in close proximity to the iron worke, comprising roll ing mills, nail factories and furnaces, of Brown, Bonnell the to the founderies and machine of Homer Hamilton Co. and of Ward, Margerum Co. -to the bolt and natfactory of the Your gstown manufacturing company--to the depot of the Lawrence Hailroad company and to other mane facturing and bueiness establiebments. They lie on the western bank of the Mahoning river, a short cistance south and east of the lelo eucez bridge, and front on Gileon.

Park, Vine, Packaro, Grand and River streete, admirable badaing eites. The soil allows the construction of dry cedars, and durable wells of excellent water are attainabie by digging to a moderate depth. Lots valued at $500 each. DWELLING HOUSES AND LOTS -These gist of Ten new trame houses, nicely painted and inside and in prefect order, and are located as foliows: FIVE on scott street in the northern tart of the city and but a tew rods from Wick avenue, the Fitth avenue or street of the city, into which Scott street runs at right angles. They are of twostories contain each six rooms.

four below and two ubove on lots dity by one hundred and eighty feet, and will be ntted up for gas carly in the epriag or 8P as pipes can he Jaid along cott street, being already extended up Wick averue. Valued at $3.3 N) each and rent for per annum. Hivs on Liberty etreet (formerly Liolmes road) and Kayen avenue, in the northwest quarter of the city. a few rods from the Cleveland and Mahoning 1. depot.

They are designsted by numbers on a plat. No. I corner of Liberty street and HaFt aVenue; is of twostories, has one grate, contains three rooms below and two above, papered, and a cellar kitcuen. Lot sixty-Ave leet front by one bandred and tweuty-one lect deer. No.

2, 8 and 4 00 Liberty B.reet are of three stories, each has two gratee; eiz: ol lots -No. 2 is 57 leet front by 121 deep; No. Big 43 feet front by 98 deep; No. 4 is front, 48 feet rear, north side, and feet south eide on Pine etreet; o. 5 on Jen avenoe is of two stories with tour rooms below and LWO above and cellar kitchen Lot 43 iced ront by 122 deep.

Valued at each and rent tor pout per annum. celebrated bicoded horses, pacers and trotters, all of whom have won purses and all perfectly sound and in goud condition. They are GRAY EAGLE, can lace bie muean 2:20. His biggest race was in in 184.7. First beat second beat third heat lourth neat and dith beat :,45.

Since that he has made better time, and 18 considered be beet pacer in this part of the country. Valued at $1800. MIRE GOODWIN, the beet trotter in the west. He has lately trotted in Akron, Ravenna and Younge. town, Ohio, ard in Jamestown, N.

and woll every race. Valued ut $2,600. BAY TOK-Trotter; 8 fine young b'ooded horse; can be made to go big mile in 2:40 or won his first race in Youngstown Driving Park, in the tall 1866. Vainea at 6800. JANE can trot her mile in less than 2:40.

Has won several important races in this part of the country, and has a wide reputation. Valued at $900. WILD TURKEY -Trotter, time, has made hie mile iu lees; Das won several races; 18 well known Lu Ohio and Western Pennsylvania. Valued ut QUEEN -Trotter; time, known in the Southern part of the State as the Page mare; Sire a bdalian Chiet: age six yeare; perfectly gentle, and one ot the most promising young mares in the counValued at $1,200. PIANOS-'I wo splendid eight octave, made by the most celebrated mantacturere; valued at $700 each.

WASHING MACHINES -TEN DEXTER Washing Machines, improved, beet ever inverted and the only machiacs that do the work thoroughly without tearing cr injuring the clotbes. They are univortally recommended wherever tried. Value, $20 each, CLOTHES WRINGERS--Twenty Clothes Wringers of the most improved torm and univereally approved and recommended. Value, $10 each. SaWING Sewing Machince; Grover Bakor and Howe; Anisked in the best etylo.

Value, $60 each. WAGONS--One two-boree Wagon, value $200, and one Express Wagon; value, 6200. FURNITURE-Elegant parlor and chambre rets, consisting of solas, escretoires, cushioned chairs, tables, bureaus, bedsteads, cabinets, writing deske, GOLD AND SILVER WARE -Gold Watches from to 1250. silver Watches from $50 to $150, ot the best American and kuropean workmanship. Tea and table Spoons.

Forks and other arapher. Dalia, ail made of eilver of the best quality. JEWELRY--Diamond rings, breast pics and other diamond ornamente. SHOT GUNS -Twelve double barrelled shot guns handsomely Value 8120. GAS PIPE-One hundred feet 3 inch gas pipe, Value and one hundred leet inch, value tor drillera use NAILS-Une hundred kegs, orted sizes, ralue $650.

IRON- -Twenty tors foundry iron, value $900. COAL ornamented Fireen $150. Coal Vases, splendidly DRY HOOD3-Twenty-eight Dress Fatterns of black, purp'e, plaid, striped, drab and other colored alike, Merinoe, Poplins, Tarletans, from $20 to 75 Palaley and other Shawl, from $25 to 150; Carpeting, Hearth Kugs, Counterpanee, eeta Fars. Collar and Muff. $20 10 160; Piano Covers, Lace Curtains and Handkerchicfe, Lace Collars, C.

from $39 to 60; Dros Coa'5 from 120 to 40, and suits of clothes from :25 to 10 be GU, to be made to meueure alter the drawing. and of the value ep cified in the echedule. or in their p'ace other articles of clothing of like Value. MUSCELLANKOLS-A variety of miscellaneous articles, all of worth and va'ne. The total Lumber of articles to be dietr bated is fourieen hundred, and no articio is of less value than Ave dollars.

SUMMARY. The oficers of the Aerociation pledge themselves that the utmost fairuces bail bo need in the management and in the distribution; that the artic eg are all of genuine worth and as represent that the litlo to tho real estate de indi-potable, and that alt the pereonal property and de ds of the real es tate after will be in readinese and delivered immediately the drawing. Farthermore the Treaeurer binds bimsef, in case anythirgehoud occur to elop the progress of the enterprise and the drawing does not take place, that the wonky paid for certiticates will be repaid at the Hardware store of A.J. Packard, Youngetown, Obie. All letters containing remittances addreseed to A.

J. Packard, Youngstown, Ohio, will meet prompt responee and certificates ofshares will be forwarded by return mail. Addrees letters of Inquiry, an above or to the Secretary. OFFICERS President-A. W.

JONES, Youngstown, Obie. I HOWEEL, do Treasure J. PACKARD. do Hammond Certidcates for sale at the Tobacco Store of 0., until all are Aronld, sold. Federal etreet, matter, Here is a rare Come and investigate the and Lot and other chance to secure a House valuable property, for an investment of $5.

Certificates are selling rapidly. Be care to Secare one before all are disposed act Er as agents. Postmasters in the country are requestod to of TORN Oratificates can be procured at the Bullard Rooms TRAWLEY, Bank H. Jacid IRON AND IRON AND NAILS! We bare for sale at the Lowest Cash Rates; 100 TONS wat Oliphant's Celebrated HORSE SHOE IRON 1000 KEGS NAILSI OF THE SAME MAKE. No Nall superior to these can be found in.


0. B. and Treasurer. myly IRON, NAILS, MORRISON FOSTER, Nos. 61 63 River and Nos.

95 98 on the Dock OLEVELAND, OHIO, Only Agent in the Northwest for the sale of SHOENBERGER'S JUNIATA NAILS, Common, G. Janiata SHEET IRON, Janista BOILER PLATE, Hammer Made Juniata HORSE SHOES. ALSO TOR SALE, BAR IRON, HOOP IRON, RIVETS. Pittsburgh City WINDOW GLASS, U. B.



Cleveland Bridge and Car Works. McNAIRY, CLAFLEN BHIDGE ROOF AND.CAR cOmco: No. 8 Waring Block, Works: Corner Wasson Lake Sts. CLEVELAND, OHIO. RECENTLY PURCHASED the CAR SHOPS att te place, formerly ewued by Morrill Bowers, ant aded thereto a Bridge Manufacturing Dopartment.

We are prepared to erect BRIDGES ROOFS OF EITHER IRON OR on new and mproved plans; also, on the HOW PATENT plazas heretofore, with PATENT IRON CLAMPS in Chords, Our Car Department is supplied with choice timber and we are prepared to baild FREIGHT CARS of all kinds, dispatch. Our facilities for procuridg Iron and Timber, witb our long experience in the business enables u8 produce First Class Work at Low Prices. For plans, prices or infornution, apply as above. SELTZER APERIENT. THE WISE MEN OF THE LAND, THE DIVINE, THE PHYSICIAN, THE JUDGE, USE DAILY, IN THEIR OWN HOMES A AND RECOMMEND To all Invalids and batterers From Dyspepela, ness, Sick Heartbarn, Headache, Indigestion, Sour Plies.

Stomach, Billons CostiveAttacks, Liver Complaints, Gout and Rheumatic Affections NATURE'S OWN GREAT AND GOOD REMEDY, TARRANT EFFERVESCENT SELTZER APERIENT Best and Most Reliable Medicine Ever ofered to the for the above class of disasses. The babe, ita brothors and eleters, its remedy well adapted for their different complainte. parente and grand-parenta, will all And a this pleasant MANUFACTURED ONLY BY TAKKANT 278 GREEN WICH 100 WARAEN N. For sale br all Orneriate. 1025.6m -and PAINTS, OILS, 200 BBLS.



HAIR LOTIO. HAIR RESTORATIVE. Lotio, Lotio, Lotio, LOTIO, classic poets have sung to as of a spring. whose etherial waters impart perpetual youth and beauty to all who will drink of them. It in now conceded by all that the magical effecte of the (LOTIO Far surpase those produced by the waters of that famous epring.

Lawyers, doctors, statesmen, whose heads were bald, have said it was constitutional, or rather, boredit try. Let us say a word as to the bereditary baldness without entering into an extended argament. The brain is the machine that runs the human eyetem. and were wiil power, (as the phrenologiets call it,) or firmness, together with a large amount or brain, are toth largely developed, tale character does not let the world move him, be moves the world. La a merchant, his feot are planted ou the Ave continent, of; he globe; if bis business 16 to map down thy orbs of upper worlds, he dads new and undiscovered worlds for investigation; or, as the poet, dragt all the horrors of sublimittes or the imagination in rhyme betore your vision.

Such men may Lever bave a day's sickness from the cradle to the tombs etill there is always a clamberiug Are, kept alive ba the action of the brain and unless the person uses LOTIO To keep the bair healthy, he is certain to become bald. I you wish to see bald beads, look at the sacor, cessful He has given every moment of his time and lawyer, doctor, statesman, merchaut, bankthoughts to his protession, and nut oue thought of hair. Un the other hand, if the man's development does not prompt bim to be the first in tue world's drama, but rather remain at the tail end of everything, such men are never bald, without brain the fever or some other proetrating sickness brings hair out. The two characters described can be found Lu almost every family toe children Chemists of one bave lather. Is baldness, then, hereditary paren no article for the hair anti there was DO sale for it, and then, like the chameleon, change its color and pame and nothing else.

PROF. CHRISTY'8 Object was tu orate something which should forever. The drat euccees attained was in ascerwining the cause of gray hair aud baldness. compound 'The second, the discovery of a Vegetable whose nutrient virtues would alias too fever of the Pertasked brain, aud thousands can testily that the LOTIO Is Just the thing. If the head is covered with dandruff, something is wrong with the roots of the hair, It the pair is for ding gray, it neede ductoring.

CHRISTY'S HAIR LOTIO Will restore that which turned gray to its origi gal color. Alter which the LuTio id applied vuiy once a week, the bar will remain boaltuy and retain its datural color anti death. If your hair 18 bared, dry and fading out, this iN the time to prevent baid ness, stop your hair falling out. PROF. CHRISTY'S HAIR LOTIO WILL ACTUALLY DO IT.

Ask any one who has used 1t for satisfactory intor. mation. It you are bald use the HAIR LOTIO. We can rcier to mung who, a short time ago, were bald; at the preeent time it is impossible to dad a bald spot on theis heads. The Lotio is richly perfumed, The Lotio is richly perlamed.

The Lotio is richly perfumed. The odor of the Lotiole like the breath of summer dowers. The Lotio is not a dye, but pereons who have ased dye will and it far superior. The LOTIO brings out the natural coloriug of the is decidedly Cleaner and cheaper than dye. here is nothing ottensive about the Lotio.

vest hair dressing I ever HALL 105 Longworth street, Cincinnati, 0. My head Win entirely bald, but your cutie Das complately re stured it." -W. M. Da VIa, Cincinnad, 0. is the beet ticle I ever Cincinnati, U.

dad superior aruicle." has restored wy hair to its origiuas color." -J. SELMEN. The beet articie I ever ustd "-Dr. WiCK BHAM. be Louio 11 gelling C.

FLOYD, Louisville, Ky. Send for Treatise on Hair and testimonials. One-balf dozen bowies sent to any addrees in the United Statos for 55. Price $1 per Bottle, Or sent to any adaress on receipt of $1.50 per bottle dozen for L'ibera: decactions to the trade. A ll orders must be addressed to PROF.

A. K. CHRISTY PROPRIETORS, CINCINNATI, 0. Manufactory, 175 West Filth Street. Wholesele Agents fur the trade: Jno.

D. Park, Allen Luire Geo. chiaidt, Cincinnati, I. C. Lloyd, Louisville, Browning Loan, Ludianapolis; Colins St.

Louir, Curnham Van Schaak, cayo; Berbower, Hall Cleveland, Dumas Barnes New STEAM BETWEEN New York, Queenstown Liverpool, MANHATTAN, CHICAGO, MINNESOTA, NEBRASKA, COLORADO, NEVADA. SAILING FROM NEW YORK EVERY SATURDAY Cabin Passage 890. Return Tickets $100, gold. Steerage Passage from New York 30 to New York at lowest Rates, payable in Currency. Passage from and to Parie, Hamburg, Rotterdam and Antwerp, at equaly low ratee.

Remittances to Great Britain, Ireland and all parts of Germany and the Continent. Apply to WILLIAMS GUION, 29 Broadway New York, or HERDMAN KOLBE, 222 Superior street, Cleveland. FOR FLORIDA. THE STEAMERS of 1,000 tons each, will leave Charleston tor Florida DICTATOR RE CITY POINT, every TUESDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS, at 8 o'clock, alter the arrival of the steamers leaving New York, and after the arrival of the Northeastern Railroad trains going south. Through tickets to Florida can be purchased of H.

R. MORGAN No. 26 Broadway, Agents Side Wheel Steamers The above steamers also touca at Savannah, going and retarning. dect 3m TOBACCO, Established in 887. IRCIN MRS.

L. KEPPLER SON, DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF Cigars, Fine Cut Chewing, Plug, Snuf and Smoking Tobacco, LABELS, and a lerge assorment of MEERSCHAUM, BRIER AND OTHER PIPES. And everything pertaining the Tobacco line, sold Wholesale and Retail, at the most reasonable prices, at our old stand, NO. 110 SUPERIOR STREET CLEVELAND, OHIO. (Sign 'of the little Scotchman.) marl-1yfp MACHINERY.

VULCAN FOUNDRY And Steam Engine Works. Thon. Manning Sons, PROPRIETORS. Portable and Stationary Steam Engines, of all Sizes, IBON AND BRASS CASTINGS MADE TO ORDER, JOBBING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. WEST STREET AND CANAL ec11-P CLEVELAND, OHIO Babco*ck, Hurd wholesale GROCERS, And Dealers In Wines and Liquors, 1146 Wator Street.

Clevoland, Ohio. seD33-1yd A DM undereiened MINISTRATOR'S has been appointed THE and ananded Administrator upon the estate of Rachel J. McLanelin, deceased. A. CLOVE All FITTING numbers.


Until further notice, Trains will leave (from Depot of Atlantic 6t. Western Livision Depot,) Ag follows 6:50 A. PRE LIGHTNING (daily.) stopping EXat 4r. (Slet ping Coach attached, through to New York uithout char ge) -(arr. Youngetown 10 00 u.

m), Meadville 11.10 a. m. (Dinner), Corry 11.43 Horn cleville 6.17 p. (Supper), Elmira 8.38 D. Binghampton 10.43, arriving at New York 7.30 a.

m. 4:15 P. M. PRESS, except EX- stupping at Leavitteburgh 6 52 p. 'at Youngsto 7.50 p.

m. Meadville 9 30 p. m. (sleeping Coach Attached). Corry 11.01 p.

Sarquetanna 0.45 a. (Breakfast), Turnera 8.25 p. (Dinuer), arriving at New York 6.80 p. m. 9:45 P.

M. PRESS (daily YORK except EX- daze) (Sleeping Coach attached from Cleveland, (through without change), topping at Hornelsville 9.15 a. (Breakfast). Susquebanna 2.82 p. (Dinner), Turnere 8 15 p.

(Supper), arriving at New York 10.30 p. M. This is the only Roote by which passengers can reach Youogstown, Meadville, Corry. Elmira, New York intermediate points WITHOUT CHANGE, and with BUT ONE CHANGE to Boston and Now England citiee. The ouly route to the OIL REGIONS without change.

PO BAGGAGE CHECKED THROUGH TO ALL POINTS EAST. GOT Through Tickets and any information regardthe route can be obtained at Union Ticket Gfire. eddell House BlocK, and at Depot of A. G. W.

Div. Ww. R. BARK, Para. Ageot, New York.

II. RIDDLE, Gen. Sup't, New York. Cleveland, Feb 15. CLEVELAND FITTSBURGH HIR.

155, Trains APTER leave Cleveland MONDAY, daily (Sundaye DEO. 21, excepted) as follows Mail. Express. A Leave Cleveland 8 30) 4. M.

12.10 3.35 P. Arrive at, 9.43 1.14 4 48 10.19 1.46 6.25 11.10 2.27 6.21 Salem 12.11 11.15 11.15 Canton 12.2 7.10 7.10 Massillon. 12.46 7.50 7.29 Wooster. 2.03 8,23 8.28 Pittaburgb 3.8- 6.45 2.00 6.4. 6.30 Harrisburg 3 80 5.30 12 05 New York i1.00 12.20 7 00 x.10 10 00 4.25 Baltimore.

7.30 9.20 5 20 :0:00 A. M. 12,25 P. M. .0,00 Cars run through from Cleveland ur New.

York (vis Pitteburgh) with but (n' change, viz: at Pittsburgh Through Tickets can be procared at the Union Ticket Office, 147 Superior street, at the Union senger Station, and at Enclid Avenue Station. By the 3-85 P. M. Accommodation Train cars through without change from Cleveland to Cuyaboga Falls, Akron and Mi.lersburgh. CONNACTIONS.

At Alliance with the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne Chicago Railway for all pointe Haet and West. At Fitte bareh with the Pennsylvania kailroad, Alle: heny Valley Kailroad and Pittsburgh neilsville Rallroads. At Wheeling and Bellaire with the Baltimore Ohio and Hempfeld Hallroads. TRAINS ARRIVE AT CLEVELAND-Pittsburga ing Express and Accommodation, 11:00 A. York, Washington and Wheeling Mail, 2:00 P.

New York and Washington Express, 8:00 P. WM. SIEWAHT, Sup't. CLEVELA NDIANAPOLIS RAILWAY. CINCIN.

On and after Monday, Dec. Mist, 1868, and further notice, Passenger Trains will leave CLEVE LAND as follows: 8:20 A. DI. DIANAPOLIS Arrives at Columbas at Cincinnati 6:30 Creatline 11:10 a Indianapolis 8:85 Louis 9:00 a Fort Wayne 8:45 Chicago p. m.

2:30 P. M. NEW WESTERN YORE EXPRESS Arrives at Columbus at 9:00 Cincinnati Crestline 6:15 pm, Indianapolis 2:50 a St Fort Wayne 12:20 Chicago 7:00 a 8:00 P. M. Arrives Columbus at a Cincinnati 7:2 a Creatine 10:55 pm; anapolie 8:45 a St Louie 10:00 Fort 3:45 a mo; Chicago at 9:65 a m.

Paseenger Trains returning, arrive at Cleveland 6:53 a 19:00 noon, 3:50 9:50 m. ALL TRAINS leare CLEVELAND DAILY, Sundays, and run through to Cincinnati, dianapolis and Chicago. SLEEPING CARS attached to the "8:00 P. NIGHT EXPRESS" run throngh- -one to INDIANAPOLIS, the other to CINCINNATI. SLEEPING CAR attached to PRESS" at Crestline at 6:00 raus through dianapolie to St.

Louie at 8:40 m. For THROUGH TICKETS and Particular Information, apply at the UNION TICKET HIDE. 117 atrect, or at TICKET OFFICE, UNION PASSENGER DEPOT, Cleveland. 6. FLINT, Sap't.

Clevoland, Dec. 16, 1863. Lake shore Railway. 'TIME TABLE, NOV. 22D, 1888.

N. apartments in Drawing Room and Berths in Seeping Cars westward, leave U. T. Baggage Room, and for Berths in ing Cars east ward leave orders at C. E.

Bagage Room 10 Union Passenger Depot, Clevelard. EASTWARD Leave. Y. Ex Day isxp Bast M'1 Nig't Toledo. A 7:00 A 10:50 5:40 Miilbary 7:26 10:54 Genoa 7.87 11:04 Elmore 7:43 11:15 6:19 11:32 Fremont.

8:18 11:48 6:41 8:59 12:10 7:02 Bellevue 8:56 12:29 4:18 9:14, 19:46 19 7:31 Norwalk 4:30 9:27 12:59 44 1:42 Townsend 1:18 9:64 1:29 Kipton. 1:41 Oberiin 5:16 10:18 1:62 8:25 Elyria. 5:36 110:52 2:19 8.43 2:29 2:42 6:06 11:02 2:48 9.11. De'i 6:33 11:28 9:38 Arr Cleveland 6:45 11:40 3:30 19 9:45 Leave. N.

Y. Er Day Exp Cin. Ex Nig'tEr Cleveland. 7:10 19:00 M. 4:00 10.00 Willoughby 12:38 Painceville.

8:19 8:33 19.59 4:24 Geneva 1:84 1:55 3:48 11:51 2:09 P. Conueaat 9:82 Springdold, 9.40 Girard 10:01 6:82 12:45 Brie 10:35 8:25 7:05 1:20 Daukirk 112:87 5:27 9:15 8:20 45 Battalo. 2:10 7:00 10:45 4:45 N. York. 7:30 1:30 4:15 (10:90 Boston 8:50 8150 5:05 0:50 a WESTWARD Leave.

8t Bt Ex Nig't Ex Tol'o Ex Day 1:20 A. 4:30 10:10 A.M P. 10:35 2:18 6:01 10:45 Springfield 10:57 Conneaut. 11:16 4:55 11.94 Ashtabula. 3:81 6:55 11:48 4:00 12:12 Madison 12:27 Painesville 4:45 6:49 12:54 4 6:24 Willoughby 6:11 1:221 Euclid 1:43 8:00 7:50 2:06 7:30 Leave.

Accom'n Ch. WestM'I Ni'gt Cleveland 6:30 A 1 8:20 2:30 8:00 Atlantic De'pt 8:30 2:40 8:10 Berca 7:10 8:54 8:10 8 38 7:16 Ridgerille. 7:80 Elyria. 7:42 9:17" 8:40 9 06 Oberlin 8:05 9:83 9:29 8:16 4:14 8:27 4:26 8:34 Norwalk 8:54 4:55 9:10 (10:29 5:11 10:21 Bellevue 9:37 5:59 Fremont. 10:31 10:12 11:16 10:49 6:37 6:03 5:17 111 12 Elmore 19:49 6:50 Genoa 110:59 1:02 Millbury.

11:14 7:13 11:35 19:85 M. 7:40 12:80 4.00 p. 4:00 19 110.35 8.30 Jackson. 8:45 15 11.10 Saginaw 9:00 9.00 111.15 Chicago (10:00 10.00 (1,30 110.00 Trains do not stop where time is omitted. SUNDAY TRAIN EASTWARD.

Leares Toledo 2:25 A and Cleveland 7:104 M. WESTWARD. Leaves Erie 4:00 m. and Cleveland 8:00 M. Accommodation Trains, stopping at all StationsLeaves Cleveland at P.M.; Conneant 7:80 P.M Conneaut at 6:15 A.M.: arr at Cler'd 9:80 Cleveland 4:00 arr Sandasky 6:50 Sandusky ..6:30 A arr Cleveland 9:90 CONNECTIONS.

Toledo with Mich. Southorn Northern Ind. and Toledo, Wabash Roads for the West, Fremont with Lake Erie and Louisville Railroad, Fostoria and Findlay. Clyde with Cincinnati, Dayton and Eastera R.R. Monroeville with Saudusky, Manedeld N.

H.R. Cleveiand with Col. Clev. Atlantic O. W.

H'ye. Girard with Erie and Pitteburgh Railroad for Jamestown, Franklin and the Oil Region 8. Erie with Erie R.R. for Corry, Tituavil'a Harrisburg, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Dankuk with Erie Railway. Buf do N.

Y. Cent. Erie R. R. for points East.

CHARLES COLLINS, J. W. CARY, Sap't. Gen. Ticket Agent.

ATTACHMENT. Alfred Bedard, Action in Attachmeat before V8. D. Stephan, J. of CleveXaver Manasson and land Township, Cuyahoga Marime Berechon.

County, Obio. ON A. 1:69. paid Justice DAY of the Peace FEBRUARY issued an Order of Attachment in the above action for the eum of sixty-four and 30-100 dollars. Said action is set for trial March 7th, 1849, at 9 A.

M. AT FRED BEDARD, PIt'S, Cleveland. Feb. 19. febl2 Swi DISSOLUTION.

parinership heretofore existing under the Dame Marriott de dissolved by mutaal consent, to date from August 1st, 1808. All accounta against the late Arm will be settled by Wm. Marrictt, At No. 50 Centre street. JAS.

SEABORN, WA. MARRIOTT. Cleveland, Dec. 31, 1868. The manufacturing of Says will be carried on at be old stand by Marriott.

ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE A 10 an DMINISTRATOR'S urder trom the I rubate ('oart of Cavahoga County, to me directed, Ieball sell at public vendue at the de or of the Court House In the City of Clevel and, In -aid County, on the 17th day of March, 1800, at 10 clock A. the followdeecribed real estate: pitastein the township of Parma. In said County, aud known as the north side of sub-lot Nu. 3 the sob-division a part of lot No. 10 in the Blake tract, and bounded Lorth by the south line on sab-lot zip said vast by the Koyal on road.

west by land now or lately owned by Jacob Berg, and soutu by a line parallel with the north line storesaid, and to far south therefrom a6 to contain 24 acre of land, be the same more or leap. Also ore other picce of land in said township, and bounded east by tho centre of the Hoyalton or State Road; west by laud now or lately owned by Jacob Berg; Dortb by 15 acres of Jand which John M. Woolsey deeded to Conrad Wedei, and south by a line to be drawn parallel with the north of paid 15 acres deeded to Conrad Wedel, aud so far south of paid Wedel'e coath line as to include 10 acres o1 land south of Widel's eoath line and 10 more. Appraieed at Terms made on day of sale. A.

W. POE, Adm'r G. Ganzhorn, dec'd. February 13th. 1849.

fohl6-iw ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. SALE OF HEAL A pursuance of an order if the Probate Court of Cayaboga County, Ohio, w. l1 offer for tale at public aucticn on the 20th day ot March, A. D. 1859.

at 2 o'c'ock P.M., upon the premthe following described real estate, eituate in the townehip of Newburzb, County of Coyaboga and Sta. ot Onio, aud known as eud-lots Noe. 55 and 56 1n Ebin Mues' eub-division of part of clginal lot No. 4r8, in said townebip, relerence being made 10 the record of said in the Recorder'e Office of maid County. Said sob-iota appraised at 375 each.

Terms made known on the day of fale, MOSES FISH, Adm'r of Rees Williams, dec'd. A. T. SLADE, Attorney. BANKRUPTCY.

In the District ct Coart of the United States, for the Northern District of Ohio. In the matter of Carroll K. Gras, In Bankraptcy. Bankrupt. At Cleveland, in the eaid District, on the 5th day of March, A.

1669. Northern District of Ouio, MAKE NOTICE THAT A PETITION has been fled in said Court by Carroll E. (ray, of Cleveland, in the County of Cuyahoga, in eaid District, daly declared a Bankrupt under the Act of Congress of March tor a alecharge, and certiticate thereof, from all Die debts and older claims provable under said Act, and that the 3th day of April next, at 10 o'clock A. 19 Assigned for the hearing of the same, when and waere you the prayer of the said Petition abould not be may attend and show cause, it any you have, why granted. You will also take notice that the second and third meetings of Credivors, required by the 27th and 2th sections of said Act, will De meld order of Court on the day of April, A.

1569, at 10 o'clock A. at Alliance, in eald District, before J. J. Parker, Eequire, one of the Registers of said Court. EARL BILL, Clerk of the District curt.

To the Creditors of raid Bankrupt. In the District Court ot Lac United States, for the Northern Districtol Ohio. In the matter of Janias K. Sanford, In Bankruptcy. Bankrupt.

At Cleveland, in the said District, on the let day of March, A 1863. Northern District of Onio, e8. LAKE NOTICE THAT A PETITION has been died in said Courtby Junius k. of Cleveland, In the County of Cuyaboga, in said District, duly declared a Baukrupt under the Act of Congrees of March 2, 1807, for a discharge, and a certiticate thereof, trom all uis debte and other claims provabie auder said Act, and that the zu day of April next, at 10 o'clock A. is aseigueu for the hearing of the same, and wher and Let you may atteud and show cause, any you have, why the prayer of the said Petition shall not be granted.

You will also take notice that the second and third meetings of Creditore, required by the 21th and 28th sections ot said Act. will be neid by order of said Court on the suib day of March, A. D. loby, at Lu o'clock A. at Cleveland, in said District, before M.

Koita, Esquire, one of the Registers of eaid Court. EARL BILL, Clerk of the District court. To the creditors of said Bankrupt. mari-2w In the District Court us the United States, for the Northern District of ohio. In the matter of Charies J.

Ballard In Bankruptcy. Bankrupt. ALL IT MAY CONCERN. The undere'gned hereby sappointment as A eeignee of the estate A U. J.

Ballard, ot East Clevelund, 1u the County of and State of Ohio, within raid Listrict, who has been adjucged a Bankrupt upon his own petition by the District Court of said District. L. W. FORD. Ageignee.

Cleveland, March 6, 1669. ATTACHMENT. J. J. Rockafellow.

Before Fred'k A. rand, J. against P. of Cleveland townsbip, E. McNaca.

Cuya hoga Co mtv. Ohio. THE 5th DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1369, paid Justice issued an order of Attachmont in the above acon for the sura of thirteen do lara. Said cause is set for bearing March 18c9, at 9 A.M. MRS.

J. J. ROCKAFELLOW. Cleveland, March 6th, 1569 ATTACHMENT. Beggs McFadden, Pit'te, Before (co.

Arnold, against Jastice of the Peace of John Berzard, Del't. Cleveland Cayahoga Chio. OX THE 1:69, eard SECOND Justice DAY Jesued OF an MARCH, order 01 Attachment in the above action, for the sun of fifteen dollars and twenty five cente. The cause will be heard April 14th, 1869, at A.M. Cleveland, March 4, 1809.

mar5-3w BEGGS MORADDEN. Robert Aplin PitA's, Before Geo. Arnold, against Justice of the P. ace John Bernard, Def't. of Cieveland Cayshoga Obio, OX.

D. THE 1:69, eaid FIRST Justice DAY leeued OF an MARCH, order vi Attectment in the above action, for the eum of forty -two dollars and thirty-one The case will be beard April 14th. 1869, at 9 A.M. Cleveland, March 4, 1809. ROBERT APLIN CO.

ATTACHMENT. Louis Action in Attachment before Va. (ieo. A. Koibe, J.

CleveJohn Garder and land Cuyaboga County, Morgan, joint Obio. owners of the barge smoke. ON A. THE 1869, 8th the raid DAY Justice OF FEBRUARY, Attachment in the above case for the sum of I eigttytwo 76-100 dollare. Said action is set for trial Marca 19.

1869, at 9 M. feh15-3w MIX NOBLE. Pit' Ta Att'ye. DISSOLUTION. D' heretofore exiting -THE under CO- the name PART- of ('ramb, Baelington Kendall, is this day dissolved by mutual consent.

All persons indebted to as are to make immediate payment at our oid pace of basinees, 247 Superior street. Either party will sigo in liquidation, CHAS. A. CRUMB, G. 0.


chased interests of the above name UNDERSIGNED HAVING PURRwil continue the Dry Goods bus peas under the came of Il. D. KENDALL SON. H. L.

I. KENDALL. Clevo'and, Feb. 26th, 1869. feb27-1w ATTACHMENT.

JacoD Reiber,, Before Daniel Stephan, J. P. ot of Cleveland Township, Thomas Allen, Deft. Ohio Claim $40) 00. ON the THIRD Jueice DAY ON an MARCH.

O1 AV tachmen: in the atove entitled CAGEE, tor the sum $40 00. The defendant will take notice that the eame is set for bearing, April 1899, at 9 o'clock A.M. before said Justica, MIX NOBLE, Atty's. March 6th, 1869. mar9-319 Shotter, Faul Arter, Before Welle ForvS.

ter, J.P. ot ClevcHarvey Farrington and Goo, b. land Farrinzton, Def ts. 28 Ohio ON TALE. 1809, 16TH said DAY Justice OF issued an FEBRU- order of the Attachment the above action for the eom of three hundred dollars E.

D. STARK. Pit's Att'ye. Cievaland. March 9th, A '869 mar9-Sw BANKRUPTCY.

In the District Court of the United States For the Northern Dietrict of Obio. In the matter of Jesse Thornton, In Bankruptcy. Bankrupt. At Cleveland, in the said District, -Y ing on the 12th day of March, A. 1269.

Northern District of Obio. ea, MAKE NOTICE THAT A has been in raid Court by Thornton, Cleveland, In the County of Cayahoga, in gaid of District, duly declared Bankrupt under the Act Congre of March 2d, 1867, for discbarge, and a over certificate thereof, from his debts and oTher claims provable under said Act, and that the l2tb of April next, at 10 o'clock' A. is assigned the bearing the same, when and where you may attend stow cause, if any you Lave why piafer of the said Petition should not be granted. You will a'so tike notice that the second and third meetings of Creditore, required by the 27th aud and 28th eectiors ol said Act, will be held by order maid Court on the 8th day of April, A D. 18r9, at may o'clock A.

at Cleveland, in said District, br. M. K. Keith, Esquire, on of the Registers of Ohio. Court.

EARL BILL, Clerk of the District Court. To the Creditors of sain Bankrupt. mar13 2w WOOD AND FLOUR. WOOD FOUR FOOT HICKORY WOOD Full Pleasure Guaranteed. by FRENCH, CHILDS CO.

FLOUR! Akron, St. Louis and Western Flour. For sale by FRENCH, CHILDS CO Single barrels delivered to any pert of the city witbont extra charge. esch, at the Manafactory, FROM Sharon $30 Ocntre, TO $80 Me- dina County, Terms cash with order. Z.

SANDERS, Proprietor. MASTER'S SALE. MASTERS SAME order of isoued out, of TO the Court of Common of Cujahoga County, Ohio, lu a cause wherein Audrew J. Piper ie L'eball pre to oder for fa'e at public auction at the and Thomas W. Morse is de endant, south Coed door of the Conn.ty Court House in the city of the hours of 9 and 8 0'e ock P.M., of said day, the Cleveland, on the 19th day of March, 1819, between following premises: bitaute on the north tide the: or Euclid avenue and the third house easterly of residenceor the late Nathan Perry, deceased, in tho city Cleveland, County and State atcresaid.

Appraieed st $9,000. D. CLEVELAND, JAMES Master Commissioner. S. G.

BALTWIN, Att'y. tehurd MASTER'S SALE. TO command of a decretal order of eule from the Court of P'rus, of Cuys boga County, at the suit of Cieveland, Brown Co. againet James and otpera, to me directed, 1 extor gale at public auction at to door of the Coanty Court House, in the city on Cieveland, 1u said on the 25tb day o1 March, 1869. at ten o'co*ck M.

the tolowing described premises, towit: Situate in the city of Cleveland, county of Cuyahoga. and State of vlio, and known en sub-lut No. 60 James M. Hoyt and Jawew Wade, cub division of parts of original lots 49 and in brookiyn town hip, to be told separate ald apart from the improvements Appraised at A.80 immediately atter said lot 60 has been sold, I shall, pursuant to the command of raid order of gale, st iho eame time and p.ace, proceed to offer and sell the improvements on said lot 60, consisting of cue Cooper Shop and oue Barrel House. Said improvements to be remored from euld lot 00 within twenty days from the day of sale.

Said improvemonte appraised at- 1350. 3. M. BARBER, feb22-300 Master Commireioner. SHERIFF'S SALE.

3TATE OF OHIO, Curaboga County. sa. certain writ TO of THE Execution COMMAND d.rec:ed to OF the Sherin of eaid County from the Court of Common Pleas tor said County, 'n the. cause ot Robert K. MIX, plaintit.

egalust Blicabeth detend. ant, I have levied upon and eball expo: to public sale at the south do.r rot the County Court House in the city 01 Cleveland, in eaid cousty; onthe 15th day of March A D. 1869, at 10 o'clock A. ut said cay, the owing described lands and tenemente, to-wit: Situate in the city of Cleveland, County of. hoga and State Ohio, being the coath ball of rub- lot 271 in illeyvile allotment on Colamoos street, 3 1 feet front and 155 feet de ep.

Appraised at $4,000. And whoie of eub-lot 273 1u Willeyville aliotm-nt on Tracey audAobey streets, 66 feet iron. and 166 feet deep. Appraised at JOHN N. FRAZEE, Sheriff.

MIX OBLE, PIt'ES Att'y. Clovelaud, 0.. Feb. 15, 1609 TuE STATE OF Coyahoga County, es. PURSUANT writ TO of THE COMMAND to OF the Shrier, plaint, and Elkan Surier, deendant; aDd also by virtue of another writ of execution.

directed by eaid Court to said Sheriff, in the cause of Bernhard Shrier and Louis onrier, plaintids, and Elian Shrier, defendant; the said Sheritt havIng by virtue of Bald write, levied upon' The stock in trade of said kin Shrier, consisting of Ready Clothing end Me niching Ha's. Caps, cloths, a'so the furnin ture and fiz'ures, picking cuses 'd other art es 0) tuin en the store la ely occupied ty said Kian Shrier, and briny No. 210 on the south side of Sup rior street in the c.ty of in sa.d courty. and the interest of E.kan Shrier in said st T6 -L shall expose public eale said gords and chattels and leasehold interest upon as the property feald E' kin surier, at the said store, 10. 210 Superior street, in Paid ci'y C.

eve'and, comm On tha day of March, A. D. 1869, (0) ten o'clock A. of raid day. and thence continuing ant id his been completed.

land, Ohio, January 6, 1869. JOHN N. Sheriff. JOuN W. HEISLEY, Attorney for Paintitl.

till- of -ale, cash. DIVORCE. STATE OF OHIO, la Coart of Common Pleas. Cujanoga Cocniy, ed. izabeth Follutt, agaleet Petition for Divorce.

William A. Follictt. THE Fu SAID hott, is hereby DEFENDANT, moufed thot ou WILLIAM the day of January, A. D. 1809, the said Elizabeta Folliott Alec her petitica in the office of the C.erk ol the Court of Common Piers of Coyaboga County.

charging the said Folliot: with extreme cruelty towart her, and airo with having committed adultery with one ADLA Nolan, and praying that the petitiover may be divorced the raid William A. Folilott, and also for the cuetody of their minor child. Said petition will be heard at tte February Term of A. D. 1569, of roid Court.

FOLLIOTT, By HIS KELLET, her Atty'e. Clevoland. Jan, 13tb. IN y. wart-6 NOTICE.

Fbiip Bonninger, 1 lt'd, Cont of Common Pleae, Ve, Cajanoga County. 0. John C. Cumminge, De'ft Petition 10r ald to Subject. Lands.

DEFENDANT, JOIN C. CUMwings, a Lon- resident on at 01 Ohio, is hereby notited that the plaintiff, Philip Henirger, on the day ur February, A. D. 1 09, Ailed big petition in the Court of Common Fleas aforeraid, praying for a judgment against eaid defendant; aleo ea bjece the following described tract or lot of land to be appraised and gold and the or a pars thereof to be applied to the payment of judgment and coete, to-wit: Being tub lot No. 10 S.

S. Stonw's sub divition of part at original No 50. said lot ie 9 6-12 leet front on Wasnington street. and 139 t-12 leet on the we line and feet in rear and feet the eset line, Bald being in the city of leveland, County of Cuyaboge, and Siate vi ubio. Said detendaut is required answer or demur to said petition on or before lub day of April, A.

D. 1869, or ludgment will taken by default. K. A. DAVIDSON.

feb10-Rw P. Arty. NOTICE. STATE OF olIo, In Court of Common Cuyaboga Coun' t8. Pleas.

Welhelmina Plath, Def't, Petition for Divorce, against -imony and lujurction. John Path. Bet't. I SAID whose JOHN resideuce is PLATH, to petitioner. tereby notified that the plantifi, Delmina Plath did on the 4th day of March, A.

ISo9. file her petition in the office of the Clerk the Court of Con. mon Pleas el Cu. aboga Courts, Ohio, charging esid deleudant with babitual drun kenness for three years last pagi; and al: for in to enjoin the de endant from eciline, cumbring or in any way interfering with the ceede of the following real estate: Situate in City of Cleveland, Cuyato, a County. Ohio, to-wit: inknown by being enb-lot amber twentyone (21) in Charles H.

Norton's sab-divinion of ten acre lot forty-lour (44) situate on the cast of Putnam street, beily torty feet (40) front etreet, lunging back Fame width in parallel lines one hundred and twenty-tive (129) that asid has been ullowed by said Conrt. The plaintid asks for a divorce, alimony and care, custody and control of minor chidren. Case Mil. be for hearing eix weeks after the expiration of the first pub.icatIcn o1 this notice. WELHELMINA FLATH.

mAr5-61 By J. H. HAnDY her At'y. NOTICE. Halle A Co, In Court of Common again Pleas, County, W.

Il. Ward. Det't. Obio. DEFENDANT IN THIS CASE, who is 9 reeident of the city of New York, take nutice that the said bave filed their petition in fat Court Ay bit, claiming Camages to the amount of three bandred dollars againet raid de'endant fur the Iment on taid fen 'act'e part.

of a Concract to ecll ani deliver eaid plaintid- any th usand Collate, at four dollars per tuous.i.d. a'to, that an order of attachment w18 legued in said case, and that unlers said de: endant anewere said petition on or betore the fifteenth day May that judgment for said sum of three hundred Wilt by taken against him default. bUCKINGHAM DeWOLF, PIL'Is Att'ys. Cieveland. March 10 1869.

PROPOSALS. rectived until Saturday, cay PROPOSALS WILL March, 18 V. at 12 o'clock 1or license to collect dockage, or wHarf dues, un the dects landing p'acts in the city of Cleveland, tor car ending April 1, 187.4, Propoerle may be left with elther the signed, Committee on Harbore and A harves, or once of the City Clerk. Clevciand, March 11, 1809. JOUN MARTIN, JOHN J.

WI IDAMAN. Committee. WM. WELLHOU Mcril-2w EXECUTOR'S SALE. EX public ease at No.

1.0 odge WILL street, hiv, ou the 26th day of March. 1869, commencing at 10 o'clock A. UI ILe goods and effects of the late Corella Many, deceased, coneistin part of one dwelling house, with seven years lease, being 97 Dodge eircot: one Piano, Licol and Cover, Parlor and Stair Carpets, Bede, Matiragees, Bossteade, Curaina, Tables, Looking Glassca, Louogee, Chairs, Cook and Parlor Stoves, 7S Suares Wester. Union Telegraph Stoek, c. A credit of three monthe may be bad, on all purchases three do lare, by giving approved security.

J. H. WADE, Execator of the Estate of Cornelia Many, dec'd. J. M.

JONES, Attorney. NOTICE. EXECUTOR'S that I have been duly appoiutad 18 qualitied as Execu'or of the Will of the late Cornelia Many, deceased. Persons holding claims present the came to me, or my Attorney, J. M.

Jones, at his once, 161 Superior street, Cleveland, I. WADE, Executor. March 9, 1809. ATTACHMENT. Anthony Hothermel,) Before C.

Bannum, J. P. of vi. penderce Cuyahoga Natban Shippy. County.

State of Ohio. THE Justice DAY OF an order FEBRUARY, of attach in the above action for the tum of $15 40-100 dollara, Said case is eet tor bearing on the terenth of April, at 2 o'clock P. M. of said day NOTICE. DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.

tice 18 bereby given that the ucdereigned bas day been daly appointed and qualifed 88 Ad. ator on the estate of John C. K. late of Oity of Cleveland, Cuyabuga County, deceased, all persons having c'airs against estate requested to preeert the eame to the underfor collection, and person: owing said estate requested to psy the samo to the undereigned. D.

STEPHAN, Adm'r of the Eetate of John 0. Keller, dec'd Clero'and. FeD. 1, 1809. febl NOTICE Empire Mining Co.

NOTICE IS of Directors HEREBY has called GIVEN in one THAT cent. per payable share by of April the 10th, Capital 1869, Stock at the of said office Company, Farmer Cleveland, uhio. L. W. FORD, Sec etrry, March 9th, 1869.

mar9-6t MASTER'S SALE. command of 8t cond piaries decretal TO order of pale ifeued from the Coart of Common Pleas of Cuyaho, a County, Obto. at the euit of John Stambaugh, Trustee, against me the directed Northern and Ohio Ireu Company and others, delivered, 1 shall ofer 1o: sale in at the public a action, Cleve. at the dour of the Court House, C.ty of land, in said county on the 18th cay of Match, 1860, at 10 o'clock A. the tollowing described premi ses, bituate in the city 01 Clevelard, uyaboya County, Ohio, krown as twenty.

rev (27) lots 1a S. 8. Stone's eurver of Central May, to called, 1a said city of Cleve: and, numbered from 474 10 1,000, both inclusive, in ea a survey, and bounded northerly by the nori berly line or raid let No. 1,000, which is the norberly line of said easterly by the Ohio Canal, southeasterly by stone's levee, souta. westerly by Central Way, and westerly by the wharf Jime of the Cuyatoga river, as sbowa on the survey of said tract, or by such other bouuding line Ou said river extending no farther into raid river then the last named live, as shall heres'ter be fixed for such wharr line by the proper authorities.

For a more particular description of bald Jote reference 18 here made to the plat of eald central tract allotment co record in the afice of the Recorder of eaid county. toxether with all improvements and machinery apou or tosaid premises, but sub ject to the reee-vation contalued in the deed of said land to raid Nortberu Obio Iron Company, recorded in book 141, page 3 0, of cujaLoga Couuty Hecords. Appraised at 95, GEO. H. WYMAN, OF THE 1 Master Commissioner, BAFEUF FaTEP, feb16-id MASTER'S SALE.

command vi au alias from PURSUANT TO the Court of Common Fleas of Coyal ga County, Obio, at the alt of C. 0. Baldwin against the Cleveland Cu-Operative Foundry and others, to me directed, 1 abail expose tor ale at public auction, at the south door of the Court House, In the aty of Cleveland, Ohio, on the 291 oty of March, 189, at 10A. the lollowing cescribed premieee; Situsted in the Suate of Obio, County of Coyaboga, and in that fart of the city of Cleveland formerly Ohio City, being lot- Nos. 403.

400, 410, 411, 419. buttaio 413, 414,415, Compauy's 416 aid purchase, 426, all in so-called. B.ock in tbe Appraised at 19,450. L. W.

FORD, AND Master Commissioner. PRENTISS BALDWIN, Pit'ile Att'y. February 2, MASTER'S SALE. TASTER'S SALE. RSUANT TO R.

A. DAVIDE 'N, Attorney. marl-20d RECEIVER'S SALE. the command of order on sale from the Court or Pleas of Unyaboga County, and State of Ohio, in the case of Frederick Schwab vs. Mathew Colman et to me cled, I ebail ex pose to sale at oblic at the south door of the County ('ourt in and, 1D eaid c'ounty, ou tLe 33 day of April, 1869, at the tour of 11 cluck A.

o1 paid day, tte lol owing described premises: Situate in the Ton Debip of Newburgh, in the State 01 Oh and which is alro in the Coauty ut Coz a. 18 by being rub lote numDers thirty on: and thirty- J. subdivision a allotmout al part of original lot No. 456 as per plat and survey recorded in Cuyaboga County Hecurda of Mops and Subdivisions, Vol. page 35, be the esme more or lese, but subject to all legal highnays.

Lot 8. appraised at 8 100. Lot appraised $1,600. C. W.

LYNDE, Master Comm. TOR New until INp St. 9:35 AND 7:20 a Louis m. 1:85 IndiWayne at exIn- M. EX.

In- OF- Cars ordere Sleep- Er pm Ex. Ex OIL REFINERY.Purenaut lo the command of an order ut sale isemed out of the 'oart of Common Pleas of Cuysboga County, State of Ohio, in the care wherein Gilbert W. Grant is plaintid and H. H. Foote and G.

Kies are detendante, I ebali proceed to offer for sale at public auction at the south door of the. C'oun'y ourt House in the city of Clevelar d. in said Coanty, CA the let day of April, 189, between (De 80i 2 and 3 o'co*ck P. d. of faid day, the due known as the "Gem Cil lately following descrited property, to The vil Ke cupied by the late G.

W. Graut and Grant 3 Foote, four sulit, englue and bouer, tanke, treating apparatus, barrel house, treating Loure, th.u- and ottice, toole, bar. rels and material berein, and privilege of taking water to raid works, together with the leasecold interest of eaid parties ju and 10 the lands being eab lute Dos 1020. 1041, 1012, 1085 to 1(95 inclusive, and being in S. S.

StuDo's survey of College Traci, also in iota eared of Perry Jones by parties, auld leagee running fur tive years from Uctober 1-66; said lots nonting on Central Way to sue city of C'eveland in said County. Appraised al 8 1 500, JAMES D. CLEVELAND, Receiver. KELLEr GRISKOLO, ATy'e. teb25-td CO PARTNERSHIP.

A CONFORMITY WITH THE Statnte limited parter: tops. we the subscribers. K. Day 81:6 Willisin W. Vi coleey, do certify that we have a limited partnership under the terms aud The name of eard Day." Said b.

Day is a general puriter and resides in Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, Ohio Said William W. Wouleev 18 A special partner, and ae each has contributed fi teen baudred dollars of capital wo the common stock; and reeides in the City and State of New York. The barinees aid partnerebip is the Comminelon. Coal and Dockage buzinces, at said city of Cleveland. Said partnership is to commuce on the thirteenth day of February, 'A.

and to terminate ou the thirteenth day oi February, A. 1874. DAY, WA. W. WOOLSEY, STATE OF OUI'), County, ee.

Before me personady appeared Day ard William W. Woolsey, who dged severally that they did execute the oregoing fuelrument, and that the came 18 their act aud deed. 8 my band the 13. bday of February, A D. F.

A. BRAND. feb16 Kw Jostic. of the Feare. DIVORCE.

Catharine Koenig. Court of Common Pleas ct V8. County, Ohio. Rudolph Koenig. 5 Koenig, 18 ueredy DEFENDANT.

that RUDOLPH day February, A. D. Catharine Kuenig, the plaiuid, uled with the Clerk of said Coarr ter petition against him asking for a divorce and alimony, and for cause allegu cruelty. Said Cate will stand jor hearing at February term of said Court Dext ensuing. W.

S. KERRUISH, lebt-6w Attorney. COURT OF COM PLEAS, Cuyahoga County, Ohio William VE. Petition for Livorce. Matilda schwandr.

IS HI GIVEN THAT the in the above entitled cause uled his petition against the raid delendant, Matilda Schwandt, in the raid Court of Commou Plese of Cuyphoga Ohio, on the day of ber, 1858, eald petition praying that be may be divorced from the said Matiida Schwandt en the ground of Adultery Said petition is set tor hearing at the February Term, 189, at Cleveland, in said county and State. war. SCHWANDT, Plaintiff. WILLET CART. his ja6 THE STATE OF OLI In the Court of Common eaid 369 lot lot 10 the be Al- DKthe WelD of an crpre- the part side on Ard the Said A Ar Ar Ar Clyde Arr.

At At for At At and At At At At to Cuyaboga County, 84. Picas. Ieaac Van Gastie, Paintit, against Mika Van Gistle, Defendant. THE DEFENDANT, MIKA VAN GASTLE, will axe notice, that on Friday, the day ot Marco, A.D. 1809, the above named plaintiff will take the Deporitions of taudry witnessee, to be aged as evidence on tue trial of the above entitled cause, at the house of J.

Jobse, 16.h etreet, in the ty of Milwankee, County of Milwaukee, and State of between the hours of eight o'clock A. M. and eix o'clock P. Mi. of said day, and that the tating -f the same will be adjourned from day to day, between the same boars, until toey are completed.

fet23-3w MIX NOBLE. Pit'As Att'y. in will deto LEGAL NOTICE. John Vogeler, Plaintiu, Conrt of Common Peas, Cuyaloga County, John Plath, Welhelmina Plath and Chus. d.

Nor- Petition for money and ton, Defendants. to sauject lard. FENDANTS, JOHN PLATH and Welle mins Plath, nou residents of 1 State of Ohio, are Lereby ed that the plaintiff, Juhu Vogeler, on the 18th cay oi February, 1809, tiled his petition in the curt of Common Pleas atoresaid, pray ng tor a judgment againet eaid do. fendant, Jobu Plath, for the euma of $:05 28-100 with intercst on the fame from the day of February, 1837, on a promi. aory note given and delivered to tho by the de.erdant, John Path; also to the following described tract or of land to be appraised to aud old Ard the proceeds, or a part thereof.

be applied to the payment of said jadgment and costs, 10-wit: Beirg eub lot No. 21 in Charles B. Norion's eub civiaion of part of ten sore lot number forty -four, rituale on the caet ride of Putnam street, being porty feet 'ront on raid street and ranning back eamc width in parallel lines one hundred and feet. Said deferdante are required to al-weror demur to -a ion on or be.ore the 1. tb day of April A.

D. 18 9, cr the said petition will be tasen as true aud taken accordingly. R. A. DAVIDSON, febl9 Gw Pil'As Att'y.

STATE OF OBIO, In Court of Commou Cuyaboga County, s1, 1 leas. Jchn C. Weldeman, Hannie Tled. eman and Oliver G. Kent, partnera under the Dame and stile of Wiedemau, Ti-deman Kent, Plaintifs.

v2. Harvey Farrington and George D. Farrington, fartnere uder the Dame and etyie of H. 4. B.

Defendante. DEFENDANTS, MARVEY rington and George B. partrers ander the name and etyle of if. B. -arrington, are no ified that raid Paintide, on the 201h day February 1809, did ale their petition in said Court of Common Picas agA Dot them, Betting forth that at that date sud lefeudanta were indebied to them, the said Paintine.

in the eam of 00, damages sustaiced by raid Plaintit* by reason of the raid Defendants tailing to deliver ten (10) bbda of Demarsia sugar, as per contract ade by said Defendants with said Pla'ntitis, on the 22d day of January, 1869 and praying for judgment against gild defat dante, in la or of eaid for said CI of 17 0 00. hat on the auth day or Fe ruary, A. D. 186 an order of was issued in guid the goods and chattels of eaid Deicadants tor eaid amount, ou the ground that eaid Defendante were non residente of the State of Unto, and reg. dentA of the Stale of New York The said Detendante are notified and required to appear and answer raid petition.

on or before the third Suturday after six weeks frum the date of the first publication of thie notice, NIX NOBLE, Pit'fe Atty's. Febraary 22d. 1899. of of day for the of 10 fore said ment day this minist: the and are signed are DIVORCE. COURT OF COMMON PL- AS, I Cayaboga County, Ohio.

Barbara F8. Frietsch, Petition for Divorce. Leopoid Frictach. IS AEEEBY GIVEN, THAT the Plaintiff in the above ent: ted cause, nied ber petition against the said defendant, Leopold Frieteco, in the eaid Court of Common Pleas of Cuyahoga County, (bio, on the 47th day of February, 1869, said petition praying that she may te dirorced from the said' 1copold Frietech, on the ground of willfal absence. for more than three Jeare.

Said petition is ect in for said hearing at the May term, 1869, at Cleveland, County and State. BARBARA FRIETSCH. GRIEATOLD, bor Attorney. feb27-6w LADIES PLAIN CUFFS-sew styles. LINED COLLARS A.

G. RETTBERG Agents,.

The Evening Post from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)


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Name: Terrell Hackett

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