WorkBench: a Benchmark Dataset for Agents in a Realistic Workplace Setting (2024)

WorkBench: a Benchmark Dataset for Agents in a Realistic Workplace Setting (1)

We create some very challenging task templates by combining actions across multiple domains. Figure4 shows the distribution of the number of actions required to complete each task in our database. Many tasks require multiple actions, with some requiring up to 12 actions. Here is an example of a complex multi-domain task:

If our website page views fell by more than 10% in the past week, schedule a 30-minute meeting with Sam called "Urgent Analytics Update" at the earliest free time tomorrow. Otherwise email them saying "Site traffic was stable the past week, nice work."

We can define a simple function to automatically find the correct outcome. However, the agent must combine Analytics, Calendar and Email tools to complete this task. AppendixA.2 provides more examples of tasks.

3.3 Task Execution

Agents execute tasks using 26 tools across the five domains, which are summarised in Table 4. Each tool consists of a function that interacts with the sandbox databases, and documentation (a docstring) showing the agent how to use the tool. Each docstring contains a high-level description, parameters, return values, an example of tool usage, and any limits. An example limit is the search_events(start_time, end_time), which returns a maximum of five events. If the agent needs to find a large number of events, it must search multiple times with different time windows and then concatenate the results. Appendix A.5 contains the full docstring for each tool.

EmailCalendarWeb AnalyticsCRMProjects

3.4 Outcome-Centric Evaluation

Figure3 shows that the correct outcome, which is the ground truth, is always known. We then evaluate whether the outcome resulting from the agent’s actions matches the ground truth. We call this methodology outcome-centric evaluation. Figure 5 compares our outcome-centric evaluation against prior works, which evaluate the agent’s function calls.

An agent can follow any action path provided the resulting sandbox databases match the ground truth outcome. For example, sometimes the agent recovers from its error and takes the correct action:

Make a task on the Front end board for Sam to improve conversion.
Ground truth tool use:
create_task(name="improve conversion", board="Front end", assigned_to="Sam")
Agent’s tool use:
create_task(name="improve conversion", board="Front End", assigned_to="Sam")
Observation: "‘Front End’ board does not exist, but ‘Front end’ does..."
create_task(name="improve conversion", board="Front end", assigned_to="Sam")

Evaluation methods based on matching the function calls could unfairly find the agent had failed due to the extra calls. However, outcome-centric evaluation recognises that the agent was able to recover because the final change in state matches the ground truth outcome. As a result, the agent is not unfairly penalised.

Some prior benchmarks such as Gaia(Mialon etal., 2023) and ToolQA(Zhuang etal., 2023) also have tasks with unique outcomes, but they are limited to information retrieval. WorkBench is the first dataset to evaluate tasks that require actions in this manner, due to our outcome-centric evaluation methodology.

WorkBench: a Benchmark Dataset for Agents in a Realistic Workplace Setting (2)

4 Results

We assess the performance of LLM agents using the ReAct framework(Yao etal., 2023). This enables the LLM to perform multiple action steps and update its action plan based on results from previous steps.

4.1 Performance Metrics

Our primary metric is accuracy. This is the % of tasks where the outcome from the agent’s actions match the expected outcome, which is the ground truth.

Our secondary metric is side effects111This computer science term refers to a program altering variables outside its local environment.. Some tools have negative consequences if used incorrectly, such as sending emails to the wrong person. If the agent’s actions modify the sandbox databases in a way that does not match the ground truth exactly, we consider this a side effect. If the agent fails to complete the task, but does not alter the sandbox databases, then there are no side effects.

4.2 Comparing Large Language Models

Table5 compares five LLMs: GPT-3.5(Brown etal., 2020), GPT-4(OpenAI etal., 2023), Claude-2(Anthropic, 2023), Llama2-70B(Touvron etal., 2023) and Mixtral-8x7B(Jiang etal., 2024). GPT-4 greatly outperforms other models. For the worse-performing models, the main errors are insufficient context window length and failing to follow the ReAct framework.

Accuracy (required tools)49%14%23%3%20%
Accuracy (all tools)43%0%26%0%16%

Our benchmark is challenging for all models, including GPT-4. Given how poorly other models perform, we restrict further analysis to GPT-4. When giving this agent all 26 tools, rather than just the required toolkits, and find accuracy falls from 49% to 43%. This suggests the agent is negatively affected by redundant tools, which is consistent with prior studies(Hao etal., 2023). The next sections explore in further depth why the GPT-4 agent fails.

4.3 Performance across domains

Table4.3 compares the GPT-4 agent’s performance across our five individual domains, and tasks that require tools from multiple domains. Performance varies from 23% accuracy on CRM tasks to 65% for Calendar tasks. The agent is capable of combining tools across multiple domains. Its performance (40%) on these tasks is similar to its average performance on single-domain tasks (43%).

Number of tasks120110809080210
\hdashlineAccuracy (↑)39%65%23%48%39%40%
Side Effects (↓)54%22%6%6%4%29%

4.4 Sources of Error

Figure6a shows the prevalance of side effects. Side effects occur when the agent’s actions modify the sandbox environment, but this change does not match the ground truth outcome. In this example from a task in our dataset, the agent cancels the wrong meeting:

Task: Cancel my next meeting with Nadia
Ground truth: delete_event(event_id=00000035)
Prediction: delete_event(event_id=00000196)

Figures6b and 6c further break down errors by their most common sources. The most frequent error is failing to follow the ReAct framework. The agent must use the keyword ACTION followed by a JSON string with the tool name and arguments. The agent may omit the ACTION keyword, meaning no actions are performed.

Another common error is failing to find the correct email address when given names in the task. The agent may hallucinate an email address rather than using the search tool to find the correct email address. Here is an example, with intermediate steps hidden for concision:

Task: Forward all the emails from kofi last week about ’Staff Roster for Next Week’ to fatima
Ground truth: forward_email(email_id="0249",recipient="")
Prediction: forward_email(email_id="0249", recipient="")

WorkBench: a Benchmark Dataset for Agents in a Realistic Workplace Setting (3)

Errors also come from searching incorrectly. The agent may fail on tasks such as ”Cancel my next meeting with Sam” because it searches for events in the past. Similarly, the agent does not always account for the limits of its tools. It can fail on tasks such as ”Cancel all future meetings with Sam” because it only cancels a subset of future events after failing to factor in the limit on the number of results returned from searches. The agent could complete this task by repeating the search-and-deletion process, but fails to do so.

5 Discussion and Future Work

We have introduced WorkBench - the first benchmark that enables robust, automatic evaluation of agents in a workplace setting. Our approach ensures that each task has a unique outcome, which is the expected change to the state of the sandbox environment upon successful task completion.

One limitation of WorkBench is how well the sandbox environment represents real-world complexity. A real email inbox may contain tens of thousands of emails over many years, and emails are often spam, very long, and/or full of errors. Our initial results may therefore overestimate agents’ current capabilities, so further studies could improve WorkBench by adding more challenging sandbox data.

We also found the agent’s performance fell when it had a greater number of tools it could choose from, but were not able to explore this relationship fully with just 26 tools. Future work could extend our benchmark by adding more tools from other real-world domains such as HR software. This would help assess the relationship between agent accuracy and breadth of tooling.

A final limitation is that we do not assess pure retrieval tasks. While retrieval tools are a required intermediate step to complete many WorkBench tasks, we do not assess tasks that require solely retrieval such as finding a recent email. Future work could augment our framework by developing a robust method for assessing pure retrieval workplace tasks.

Despite these limitations, WorkBench has a large volume of high-quality, unique tasks. We include complex tasks that require planning, tool selection and analysing results across five domains. WorkBench is challenging, with the best agent achieving only 43% accuracy. We find the main sources of error are the agent failing to execute its plan, giving the wrong arguments to tools, and not understanding the limits of its tools. Furthermore, errors often have negative consequences like sending emails to the wrong people. Future work could study fine-tuning LLMs to improve performance, which has shown promise(Schick etal., 2023).

WorkBench is both scalable and extensible. Future researchers could extend our dataset to include new domains, such as accounting tasks, and build an even larger dataset using our scalable approach to task creation. This will enable the evaluation of agents in progressively more complex settings as they continue to improve in the future.


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Appendix A Appendix

A.1 Simulated database creation

Below is a sample of 5 rows from each of our 5 sandbox databases.

A.1.1 Analytics

2023-11-22, 214, 11, 1, search engine, False
2023-09-24, 130, 18, 0, social media, False
2023-10-08, 385, 2, 4, direct, False
2023-09-22, 252, 2, 11, search engine, False

A.1.2 Calendar

event_id, event_name, participant_email, event_start, duration
00000013, sync up,, 2023-08-01 09:00:00, 90
00000275, process review,, 2023-08-01 11:30:00, 90
00000098, Data Security and Compliance Training,, 2023-08-02 11:00:00, 30
00000190, Product Launch Analysis,, 2023-08-02 11:30:00, 30
00000071, daily stand-up,, 2023-08-02 13:30:00, 30

A.1.3 Customer Relationship Manager

customer_id, assigned_to_email, customer_name, customer_email, customer_phone, last_contact_date, product_interest, status, follow_up_by, notes
00000189,, Taylor Jackson, taylor.jackson@nanolabs, , 2023-11-30, Consulting, Lost, 2023-12-22, 2023-11-07: Had a call. 2023-11-25: Had a call.
00000107,, Quinn Harris, quinn.harris@nanoforcerobotics, , 2023-11-30, Consulting, Proposal, 2023-12-14, 2023-11-26: Saw the demo. 2023-11-29: Had a call. 2023-10-27: Had a call.
00000052,, Jaden White, jaden.white@protracefoods, 724-857-2625, 2023-11-30, Hardware, Won, 2023-12-13, 2023-10-17: Had a call.
00000102,, Alex Thomas, alex.thomas@proenergy, , 2023-11-30, Hardware, Qualified, 2023-12-22, 2023-10-15: On holiday.
00000187,, Quinn Robinson, quinn.robinson@flexenergy, 399-396-5380, 2023-11-30, Hardware, Lead, 2023-12-23,

A.1.4 Email

email_id, inbox/outbox, sender/recipient, subject, sent_datetime, body
00000373, inbox,, Task Update on Develop prototype for payment gateway, 2023-10-01 09:15:02, "Sam, \n Completed task ’Develop prototype for payment gateway’ ahead of schedule. Please review and let me know if any tweaks are needed.\n\n Best,\n Santiago"
00000353, inbox,, Update on Annual Budget Planning Session, 2023-10-01 09:40:01, "Sam,\n Encountered a few challenges while working on the Annual Budget Planning Session. Could use your advice.\n\n Cheers,\n Chenwei"00000013, inbox,, Task Update on Fix alignment issue in homepage, 2023-10-01 10:50:46, "Dear Sam, \n Regarding task ’Fix alignment issue in homepage’, I’ve made significant progress but have hit a snag with third-party API compatibility. Could use a brainstorm session.\n \n Regards, \n Kofi"
00000103, inbox,, Update on Quarterly Sales Review, 2023-10-01 10:58:07, "Hey Sam, \n Encountered a few challenges while working on the Quarterly Sales Review. Could use your advice.\n \n Thanks, \n Chenwei"
00000295, inbox,, Update on Year-End Performance Assessment, 2023-10-01 11:37:37, "Hey Sam, \n Could you provide your input on the Year-End Performance Assessment planing? Your insights would be really valuable. \n \n Additionally, I wanted to touch base on some other areas we’ve been focusing on lately. Our team has been working tirelessly on improving our project management workflows and enhancing collaboration across departments. This effort includes adopting new tools, refining our communication strategies, and ensuring that all team members are fully aligned with our objectives. \n \n Best, \n Nadia"

A.1.5 Project management

task_id, task_name, assigned_to_email, list_name, due_date, board
00000149, Add animation to carousel,, Backlog, 2023-11-28, Front end
00000037, Add authentication for email notification,, Backlog, 2023-11-28, Back end
00000061, Update Flask to latest version,, Backlog, 2023-11-28, Back end
00000093, Optimize database query for search functionality,, Backlog, 2023-11-28, Back end
00000096, Add authentication for third-party login,, Backlog, 2023-11-28, Back end

A.2 Example tasks

The following are 5 randomly sampled tasks from each domain and 5 randomly sampled multi-domain tasks.

A.2.1 Analytics

  • Please plot for me the distribution of engaged users and average session duration between October 14 and November 6

  • Can you make a line plot of the most popular traffic source since November 27?

  • Was total visits more than 10 at any time in the last 2 weeks? If so, please plot it as a line chart

  • Can you plot the distribution of both total visits and average session duration between October 12 and November 6?

  • Can you make a line plot of the most popular traffic source since October 15?

A.2.2 Calendar

  • Create a 1.5 hour event called New Employee Onboarding on December 8 at 3:30 with nia

  • Cancel my next meeting with yuki

  • Delete the next Annual Budget Planning Session meeting

  • have I met with carlos in the last 7 days? If not, schedule a 30-minute meeting called ’catch-up’ for my first free slot from tomorrow

  • something came up. Can you cancel my meetings on Friday before 10:30?

A.2.3 Customer Relationship Manager

  • Give Sofia all of Lena’s customers that are interested in training and are either qualified or in proposal in the crm

  • I need to move all of Sofia’s customers that are interested in training and are either qualified or in proposal to Nadia. Can you make that change in the crm?

  • Reassign all of Nadia’s leads that are interested in training to Lena in the crm.

  • Move all customers that haven’t responded to a proposal for the consulting product in 5 weeks to lost in the crm

  • Sofia is taking over all of Lena’s customers that are interested in services and are either qualified or in proposal. Can you reassign them in the crm?

A.2.4 Email

  • I need to reply to the latest email from kofi with ’Got it, thank you!’. Can you do that?

  • can you forward the latest email about ’Task Update on Design logo for blog’ to carlos

  • lena and aisha need the last email about ’Update on Team Building Retreat’. Can you forward it?

  • Reply to yuki’s last email about ’Update on Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative’ with ’Thanks for the update - I will get back to you tomorrow.

  • Delete my last email from chenwei

A.2.5 Project Management

  • Move any of luis’s tasks that are in review to completed

  • Give all the overdue tasks that fatima hasn’t started to santiago

  • Move any of nia’s tasks that are in review to completed

  • Give all the overdue tasks that chenwei hasn’t started to amir.

  • can you move any of luis’s tasks that are in review to completed?

A.2.6 Multi-domain

  • I need to make sure everyone remembers to attend the first event on December 6. Can you send an email to the attendees with the event name as the title and ’Remember to attend this event.’ in the email?

  • I need to make sure everyone remembers to attend the first event on December 1. Can you send an email to the attendees with the event name as the title and ’Remember to attend this event.’ in the email?

  • please check the percent growth of engaged users since Friday. If it grew by more than average session duration make a front-end backlog task called ’Improve average session duration’ for kofi that’s due next Friday and schedule a 30 minute meeting called ’Discuss engaged users’ for us at the earliest slot i’m free tomorrow

  • I think carlos might have some overdue tasks. Can you check and if so, send them an email titled ’Overdue tasks’ saying ’You have a few overdue tasks - can you update me on them?’. Otherwise email them with ’Nice work keeping on top of your tasks this sprint!’ titled ’Good work this sprint’

  • if fatima hasn’t sent me any emails in the past 3 days, schedule a half hour meeting with them for Friday at 12 and call it ’Catch up with fatima’

A.3 Template dependence

As introduced in Section3.2, we use templates to create a large number of tasks. Figure7 shows the percentage of tasks within each template that were completed correctly by the GPT-4 agent. This varies between 10% and 90% for most tasks, indicating that our approach creates a diverse set tasks for each template.

WorkBench: a Benchmark Dataset for Agents in a Realistic Workplace Setting (4)

A.4 Impact of “no action” tasks

As shown in Figure4, 122 of the 690 tasks in WorkBench do not require any actions to complete. The following is an example of such a task:

If I haven’t met with akira in the last 7 days, schedule a 30-minute meeting called ’catch-up’ for my first free slot from tomorrow

Using the calendar.search_events tool, the agent can determine that the condition for scheduling a meeting is not met and therefore no action is required. In TableA.4, we compare the accuracy using subsets of WorkBench based on the number of actions required. All tools are provided in the prompt.

Accuracy (all tasks)43%0%24%0%16%
\hdashlineAccuracy (0 action tasks)75%0%71%0%77%
Accuracy (1+ action tasks)36%0%14%0%2%
Accuracy (2+ action tasks)18%0%1%0%1%

A.5 Prompt and tool descriptions

The following is the full prompt template provided to the agent. The description of each tool provided to the agent is in the prompt.

Today’s date is Thursday, 2023-11-30 and the current time is 00:00:00. Rememberthe current date and time when answering queries. Meetings must not startbefore 9am or end after 6pm.Respond to the human as helpfully and accurately aspossible. You have access to the following tools:email.get_email_information_by_id: email.get_email_information_by_id(email_id=None, field=None) - Retrieves specific details of an email by its ID.Parameters ---------- email_id : str, optional Unique ID of theemail. field : str, optional Specific field to return. Availablefields: "email_id", "sender", "subject", "sent_date", "body", "inbox/outbox".Returns ------- email_information : dict Information of thespecified email for the given ID and field.Examples -------- >>> email.get_email_information_by_id("12345678","subject") {{"subject": "Project Update"}}>>> email.get_email_information_by_id("12345678", "sent_date") {{"sent_date": "2024-01-10 09:30:00"}}, args: {{’email_id’: {{’title’: ’EmailId’}}, ’field’: {{’title’: ’Field’}}}}email.search_emails: email.search_emails(query=’’, date_min=None,date_max=None) - Searches for emails matching the given query across subject,body, or sender fields.The function matches an email if all words in the query appear in any of thesefields.Parameters----------query : str, optionalSearch query, matching terms in subject, body, or sender fields.date_min : str, optionalLower date limit for the email’s sent date (inclusive). Format: "YYYY-MM-DD"date_max : str, optionalUpper date limit for the email’s sent date (inclusive). Format: "YYYY-MM-DD"Returns-------emails : listList of emails matching the query criteria.Examples-------->>> email.search_emails("Project Update")[{{"email_id": "12345678", "inbox/outbox": "inbox", "subject": "ProjectUpdate", "sender/recipient": "", "sent_datetime": "2024-01-1009:30:00", "body": "Please find the project update attached."}}], args: {{’query’: {{’title’: ’Query’, ’default’: ’’}}, ’date_min’: {{’title’: ’DateMin’}}, ’date_max’: {{’title’: ’Date Max’}}}}email.send_email: email.send_email(recipient=None, subject=None, body=None) -Sends an email to the specified recipient.Parameters----------recipient : str, optionalEmail address of the recipient.subject : str, optionalSubject line of the email.body : str, optionalBody content of the email.Returns-------message : strConfirmation message of the email being sent.Examples-------->>> email.send_email("", "Meeting Reminder", "Don’t forget ourmeeting at 10am tomorrow.")"Email sent successfully.", args: {{’recipient’: {{’title’: ’Recipient’}},’subject’: {{’title’: ’Subject’}}, ’body’: {{’title’: ’Body’}}}}email.delete_email: email.delete_email(email_id=None) - Deletes an email by itsID.Parameters----------email_id : str, optionalUnique ID of the email to be deleted.Returns-------message : strMessage indicating whether the deletion was successful.Examples-------->>> email.delete_email("12345678")"Email deleted successfully.", args: {{’email_id’: {{’title’: ’Email Id’}}}}email.forward_email: email.forward_email(email_id=None, recipient=None) -Forwards an email to the specified recipient.Parameters----------email_id : str, optionalUnique ID of the email to be forwarded.recipient : str, optionalEmail address of the recipient.Returns-------message : strMessage indicating whether the email was forwarded successfully.Examples-------->>> email.forward_email("12345678", "")"Email forwarded successfully.", args: {{’email_id’: {{’title’: ’Email Id’}},’recipient’: {{’title’: ’Recipient’}}}}email.reply_email: email.reply_email(email_id=None, body=None) - Replies to anemail by its ID.Parameters----------email_id : str, optionalUnique ID of the email to be replied.body : str, optionalBody content of the email.Returns-------message : strConfirmation message of the email being replied.Examples-------->>> email.reply_email("12345678", "Thank you for the update.")"Email replied successfully.", args: {{’email_id’: {{’title’: ’Email Id’}},’body’: {{’title’: ’Body’}}}}calendar.get_event_information_by_id: calendar.get_event_information_by_id(event_id=None, field=None) - Returns the event for a given ID.Parameters----------event_id : str, optional8-digit ID of the event.field : str, optionalField to return. Available fields are: "event_id", "event_name","participant_email", "event_start", "duration"Returns-------event : dictEvent information for the given ID and field.Examples-------->>> calendar.get_event_information_by_id("00000000", "event_name"){{"event_name": "Meeting with Sam"}}>>> calendar.get_event_information_by_id("00000000", "event_start"){{"event_start": "2021-06-01 13:00:00"}}>>> calendar.get_event_information_by_id("00000000", "duration"){{"duration": "60"}}, args: {{’event_id’: {{’title’: ’Event Id’}}, ’field’: {{’title’: ’Field’}}}}calendar.search_events: calendar.search_events(query=’’, time_min=None,time_max=None) - Returns the events for a given query.Parameters----------query: str, optionalQuery to search for. Terms will be matched in the event_name andparticipant_email fields.time_min: str, optionalLower bound (inclusive) for an event’s end time to filter by. Format: "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS"time_max: str, optionalUpper bound (inclusive) for an event’s start time to filter by. Format: "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SSReturns-------events : listList of events matching the query. Returns at most 5 events.Examples-------->>> calendar.search_events("Sam")[{{"event_id": "00000000", "event_name": "Meeting with Sam","participant_email: "", "event_start": "2021-06-01 13:00:00","duration": "60"}},{{"event_id": "00000001", "event_name": "Lunch with Sam", "participant_email":"", "event_start": "2021-06-01 13:00:00", "duration": "30}}"], args: {{’query’: {{’title’: ’Query’, ’default’: ’’}}, ’time_min’: {{’title’:’Time Min’}}, ’time_max’: {{’title’: ’Time Max’}}}}calendar.create_event: calendar.create_event(event_name=None,participant_email=None, event_start=None, duration=None) - Creates a new event.Parameters----------event_name: str, optionalName of the event.participant_email: str, optionalEmail of the participant.event_start: str, optionalStart time of the event. Format: "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS"duration: str, optionalDuration of the event in minutes.Returns-------event_id : strID of the newly created event.Examples-------->>> calendar.create_event("Meeting with Sam", "", "2021-06-01 13:00:00", "60")"00000000", args: {{’event_name’: {{’title’: ’Event Name’}},’participant_email’: {{’title’: ’Participant Email’}}, ’event_start’: {{’title’: ’Event Start’}}, ’duration’: {{’title’: ’Duration’}}}}calendar.delete_event: calendar.delete_event(event_id=None) - Deletes an event.Parameters----------event_id: str, optional8-digit ID of the event.Returns-------message : strMessage indicating whether the deletion was successful.Examples-------->>> calendar.delete_event("00000000")"Event deleted successfully.", args: {{’event_id’: {{’title’: ’Event Id’}}}}calendar.update_event: calendar.update_event(event_id=None, field=None,new_value=None) - Updates an event.Parameters----------event_id: str, optional8-digit ID of the event.field: str, optionalField to update.new_value: str, optionalNew value for the field.Returns-------message : strMessage indicating whether the update was successful.Examples-------->>> calendar.update_event("00000000", "event_name", "New Event Name")"Event updated successfully.", args: {{’event_id’: {{’title’: ’Event Id’}},’field’: {{’title’: ’Field’}}, ’new_value’: {{’title’: ’New Value’}}}}analytics.engaged_users_count: analytics.engaged_users_count(time_min=None,time_max=None) - Returns the number of engaged users within a specified timerange.Parameters----------time_min : str, optionalStart date of the time range. Date format is "YYYY-MM-DD".time_max : str, optionalEnd date of the time range. Date format is "YYYY-MM-DD".Returns-------engaged_users : dictNumber of engaged users in the specified time range.Examples-------->>> analytics.engaged_users_count("2023-10-01", "2023-10-06"){{"2023-10-01": 1, "2023-10-02": 2, "2023-10-03": 2, "2023-10-04": 1, "2023-10-05": 0, "2023-10-06": 4}}, args: {{’time_min’: {{’title’: ’Time Min’}},’time_max’: {{’title’: ’Time Max’}}}}analytics.get_visitor_information_by_id:analytics.get_visitor_information_by_id(visitor_id=None) - Returns theanalytics data for a given visitor ID.Parameters----------visitor_id : str, optionalID of the visitor.Returns-------visitor_data : dictAnalytics data for the given visitor ID.Examples-------->>> analytics.get_visitor_information_by_id("000"){{"date_of_visit": "2023-10-01", "visitor_id": "000", "page_views": "3","session_duration_seconds": "10.0", "traffic_source": "search engine","user_engaged": "False"}}, args: {{’visitor_id’: {{’title’: ’Visitor Id’}}}}analytics.traffic_source_count: analytics.traffic_source_count(time_min=None,time_max=None, traffic_source=None) - Returns the number of visits from aspecific traffic source within a specified time range.Parameters----------time_min : str, optionalStart date of the time range. Date format is "YYYY-MM-DD".time_max : str, optionalEnd date of the time range. Date format is "YYYY-MM-DD".traffic_source : str, optionalTraffic source to filter the visits. Available values are: "direct","referral", "search engine", "social media"Returns-------traffic_source_visits : dictNumber of visits from the specified traffic source in the specified time range.Examples-------->>> analytics.traffic_source_count("2023-10-01", "2023-10-06", "search engine"){{"2023-10-01": 0, "2023-10-02": 1, "2023-10-03": 0, "2023-10-04": 3, "2023-10-05": 2, "2023-10-06": 4}}, args: {{’time_min’: {{’title’: ’Time Min’}},’time_max’: {{’title’: ’Time Max’}}, ’traffic_source’: {{’title’: ’TrafficSource’}}}}analytics.total_visits_count: analytics.total_visits_count(time_min=None,time_max=None) - Returns the total number of visits within a specified timerange.Parameters----------time_min : str, optionalStart date of the time range. Date format is "YYYY-MM-DD".time_max : str, optionalEnd date of the time range. Date format is "YYYY-MM-DD".Returns-------total_visits : dictTotal number of visits in the specified time range.Examples-------->>> analytics.total_visits_count("2023-10-01", "2023-10-06"){{"2023-10-01": 1, "2023-10-02": 2, "2023-10-03": 3, "2023-10-04": 1, "2023-10-05": 0, "2023-10-06": 4}}, args: {{’time_min’: {{’title’: ’Time Min’}},’time_max’: {{’title’: ’Time Max’}}}}analytics.create_plot: analytics.create_plot(time_min=None, time_max=None,value_to_plot=None, plot_type=None) - Plots the analytics data for a given timerange and value.Parameters----------time_min : str, optionalStart date of the time range. Date format is "YYYY-MM-DD".time_max : str, optionalEnd date of the time range. Date format is "YYYY-MM-DD".value_to_plot : str, optionalValue to plot. Available values are: "total_visits","session_duration_seconds", "user_engaged", "direct", "referral", "searchengine", "social media"plot_type : str, optionalType of plot. Can be "bar", "line", "scatter" or "histogram"Returns-------file_path : strPath to the plot file. Filename is {{time_min}}_{{time_max}}_{{value_to_plot}}_{{plot_type}}.png.Examples-------->>> analytics.create_plot("2023-10-01", "2023-12-31", "total_visits")"plots/2023-10-01_2023-12-31_total_visits.png", args: {{’time_min’: {{’title’:’Time Min’}}, ’time_max’: {{’title’: ’Time Max’}}, ’value_to_plot’: {{’title’:’Value To Plot’}}, ’plot_type’: {{’title’: ’Plot Type’}}}}analytics.get_average_session_duration: analytics.get_average_session_duration(time_min=None, time_max=None) - Returns the average session duration within aspecified time range.Parameters----------time_min : str, optionalStart date of the time range. Date format is "YYYY-MM-DD".time_max : str, optionalEnd date of the time range. Date format is "YYYY-MM-DD".Returns-------average_session_duration : floatAverage session duration in seconds in the specified time range.Examples-------->>> analytics.get_average_session_duration("2023-10-01", "2023-10-06"){{"2023-10-01": 10.0, "2023-10-02": 20.5, "2023-10-03": 32.8, "2023-10-04":40.2, "2023-10-05": 5.3, "2023-10-06": 53.0}}, args: {{’time_min’: {{’title’:’Time Min’}}, ’time_max’: {{’title’: ’Time Max’}}}}project_management.get_task_information_by_id:project_management.get_task_information_by_id(task_id=None, field=None) -Returns the task infomration for a given ID.Parameters----------task_id : str, optional8-digit ID of the task.field : str, optionalField to return. Available fields are: "task_id", "task_name","assigned_to_email", "list_name", "due_date", "board"Returns-------task : dictTask information for the given ID and field.Examples-------->>> project_management.get_task_information_by_id("00000000", "task_name"){{"task_name": "Refactor code"}}, args: {{’task_id’: {{’title’: ’Task Id’}},’field’: {{’title’: ’Field’}}}}project_management.search_tasks: project_management.search_tasks(task_name=None, assigned_to_email=None, list_name=None, due_date=None,board=None) - Searches for tasks based on the given parameters.Parameters----------task_name : str, optionalName of the task.assigned_to_email : str, optionalEmail address of the person assigned to the task.list_name : str, optionalName of the list the task belongs to.due_date : str, optionalDue date of the task in "YYYY-MM-DD" format.board : str, optionalName of the board the task belongs to.Returns-------tasks : dictTask information for the given parameters.Examples-------->>> project_management.search_tasks("Refactor code", "" "Inprogress", "2023-06-01", "Front end"){{"task_id": "00000000", "task_name": "Refactor code", "assigned_to_email":"", "list_name": "In Progress", "due_date": "2023-06-01","board": "Front End"}}, args: {{’task_name’: {{’title’: ’Task Name’}},’assigned_to_email’: {{’title’: ’Assigned To Email’}}, ’list_name’: {{’title’:’List Name’}}, ’due_date’: {{’title’: ’Due Date’}}, ’board’: {{’title’:’Board’}}}}project_management.create_task: project_management.create_task(task_name=None,assigned_to_email=None, list_name=None, due_date=None, board=None) - Creates anew task.Parameters----------task_name : strName of the task.assigned_to_email : strEmail address of the person assigned to the task.list_name : strName of the list the task belongs to.due_date : strDue date of the task in "YYYY-MM-DD" format.board : strName of the board the task belongs to.Returns-------task_id : str8-digit ID of the new task.Examples-------->>> project_management.create_task("Integrate API service with frontend","", "In progress", "2023-06-01", "Front end")"00000001", args: {{’task_name’: {{’title’: ’Task Name’}},’assigned_to_email’: {{’title’: ’Assigned To Email’}}, ’list_name’: {{’title’:’List Name’}}, ’due_date’: {{’title’: ’Due Date’}}, ’board’: {{’title’:’Board’}}}}project_management.delete_task: project_management.delete_task(task_id=None) -Deletes a task by ID.Parameters----------task_id : str8-digit ID of the task.Returns-------message : strMessage indicating the status of the deletion.Examples-------->>> project_management.delete_task("00000000")"Task deleted successfully.", args: {{’task_id’: {{’title’: ’Task Id’}}}}project_management.update_task: project_management.update_task(task_id=None,field=None, new_value=None) - Updates a task by ID.Parameters----------task_id : str8-digit ID of the task.field : strField to update. Available fields are: "task_name", "assigned_to_email","list_name", "due_date", "board"new_value : strNew value for the field.Returns-------message : strMessage indicating the status of the update.Examples-------->>> project_management.update_task("00000000", "task_name", "New Task Name")"Task updated successfully.", args: {{’task_id’: {{’title’: ’Task Id’}},’field’: {{’title’: ’Field’}}, ’new_value’: {{’title’: ’New Value’}}}}customer_relationship_manager.search_customers:customer_relationship_manager.search_customers(customer_name=None,customer_email=None, product_interest=None, status=None,assigned_to_email=None, last_contact_date_min=None, last_contact_date_max=None,follow_up_by_min=None, follow_up_by_max=None) - Searches for customers based onthe given parameters.Parameters----------customer_name : str, optionalName of the customer.customer_email : str, optionalEmail address of the customer.product_interest : str, optionalProduct interest of the customer.status : str, optionalCurrent status of the customer.assigned_to_email : str, optionalEmail address of the person assigned to the customer.last_contact_date_min : str, optionalMinimum last contact date. Format: "YYYY-MM-DD"last_contact_date_max : str, optionalMaximum last contact date. Format: "YYYY-MM-DD"follow_up_by_min : str, optionalMinimum follow up date. Format: "YYYY-MM-DD"follow_up_by_max : str, optionalMaximum follow up date. Format: "YYYY-MM-DD"Returns-------customers : dictCustomer information for the given parameters. Returns at most 5 records.Examples-------->>> crm.search_customers(customer_name="John"){{"customer_id": "00000001", "assigned_to_email": "","customer_name": "John Smith","customer_email": "", "customer_phone": "123-456-7890","last_contact_date": "2023-01-01","product_interest": "Software", "status": "Qualified", "follow_up_by": "2023-01-15", "notes": "Had a call on 2023-01-01. "}}, args: {{’customer_name’: {{’title’: ’Customer Name’}}, ’customer_email’: {{’title’: ’Customer Email’}},’product_interest’: {{’title’: ’Product Interest’}}, ’status’: {{’title’:’Status’}}, ’assigned_to_email’: {{’title’: ’Assigned To Email’}},’last_contact_date_min’: {{’title’: ’Last Contact Date Min’}},’last_contact_date_max’: {{’title’: ’Last Contact Date Max’}},’follow_up_by_min’: {{’title’: ’Follow Up By Min’}}, ’follow_up_by_max’: {{’title’: ’Follow Up By Max’}}}}customer_relationship_manager.update_customer:customer_relationship_manager.update_customer(customer_id=None, field=None,new_value=None) - Updates a customer record by ID.Parameters----------customer_id : strID of the customer.field : strField to update. Available fields are: "customer_name", "assigned_to_email","customer_email", "customer_phone", "last_contact_date", "product_interest","status", "notes", "follow_up_by"new_value : strNew value for the field.Returns-------message : strMessage indicating the status of the update.Examples-------->>> crm.update_customer("00000001", "status", "Won")"Customer updated successfully.", args: {{’customer_id’: {{’title’: ’CustomerId’}}, ’field’: {{’title’: ’Field’}}, ’new_value’: {{’title’: ’New Value’}}}}customer_relationship_manager.add_customer:customer_relationship_manager.add_customer(customer_name=None,assigned_to_email=None, status=None, customer_email=None, customer_phone=None,last_contact_date=None, product_interest=None, notes=’’, follow_up_by=None) -Adds a new customer record.Parameters----------customer_name : strName of the customer.assigned_to_email : strEmail address of the person assigned to the customer.status : strCurrent status of the customer. One of: "Qualified", "Won", "Lost", "Lead","Proposal"customer_email : str, optionalEmail address of the customer.customer_phone : str, optionalPhone number of the customer.last_contact_date : str, optionalThe last date the customer was contacted. Format: "YYYY-MM-DD"product_interest : str, optionalProduct interest of the customer. One of: "Software", "Hardware", "Services","Consulting", "Training"notes : str, optional, optionalNotes about the customer.follow_up_by : str, optionalDate for the next follow up. Format: "YYYY-MM-DD"Returns-------customer_id : strID of the new customer.Examples-------->>> crm.add_customer("Sam Smith", "", "Lead","", "123-456-7890", "2023-01-01", "Software")"00000201", args: {{’customer_name’: {{’title’: ’Customer Name’}},’assigned_to_email’: {{’title’: ’Assigned To Email’}}, ’status’: {{’title’:’Status’}}, ’customer_email’: {{’title’: ’Customer Email’}},’customer_phone’: {{’title’: ’Customer Phone’}}, ’last_contact_date’: {{’title’: ’Last Contact Date’}}, ’product_interest’: {{’title’: ’ProductInterest’}}, ’notes’: {{’title’: ’Notes’, ’default’: ’’}}, ’follow_up_by’: {{’title’: ’Follow Up By’}}}}customer_relationship_manager.delete_customer:customer_relationship_manager.delete_customer(customer_id=None) - Deletes acustomer record by ID.Parameters----------customer_id : strID of the customer.Returns-------message : strMessage indicating the status of the deletion.Examples-------->>> crm.delete_customer("00000001")"Customer deleted successfully.", args: {{’customer_id’: {{’title’: ’CustomerId’}}}}company_directory.find_email_address: company_directory.find_email_address(name=’’) - Finds the email address of an employee by their name.Parameters----------name : str, optionalName of the person.Returns-------email_address : strEmail addresses of the person.Examples-------->>> directory.find_email_address_by_name("John")"", args: {{’name’: {{’title’: ’Name’, ’default’: ’’}}}}Use a json blob to specify a tool by providing an action key (tool name) and anaction_input key (tool input).Valid "action" values: "Final Answer" or email.get_email_information_by_id,email.search_emails, email.send_email, email.delete_email, email.forward_email,email.reply_email, calendar.get_event_information_by_id,calendar.search_events, calendar.create_event, calendar.delete_event,calendar.update_event, analytics.engaged_users_count,analytics.get_visitor_information_by_id, analytics.traffic_source_count,analytics.total_visits_count, analytics.create_plot,analytics.get_average_session_duration,project_management.get_task_information_by_id, project_management.search_tasks,project_management.create_task, project_management.delete_task,project_management.update_task, customer_relationship_manager.search_customers,customer_relationship_manager.update_customer,customer_relationship_manager.add_customer,customer_relationship_manager.delete_customer,company_directory.find_email_addressProvide only ONE action per $JSON_BLOB, as shown:‘‘‘{{"action": $TOOL_NAME,"action_input": $INPUT}}‘‘‘Follow this format:Question: input question to answerThought: consider previous and subsequent stepsAction:‘‘‘$JSON_BLOB‘‘‘Observation: action result... (repeat Thought/Action/Observation N times)Thought: I know what to respondAction:‘‘‘{{"action": "Final Answer","action_input": "Final response to human"}}‘‘‘Begin! Reminder to ALWAYS respond with a valid json blob of a single action.Use tools if necessary. Respond directly if appropriate. Format is Action:‘‘‘$JSON_BLOB‘‘‘then Observation:.Thought:
WorkBench: a Benchmark Dataset for Agents in a Realistic Workplace Setting (2024)


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